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Are you drowning in a sea of bad debt?
Having trouble buying that house or car?
Has your credit report cost you the chance for the American Dream?

Well wait no more!
Now, you can have a clean and clear credit report
without paying big companies big money for their assistance!
Clear bankruptcy, repossessions, civil judgements, bad credit
cards, medical bills and so much more for the price of a stamp!
Many Americans can no longer enjoy the luxuries of a new house,
a new car or being able to buy Christmas presents with a credit card.
Now you can!


Dear Consumer,

Welcome to the avenue of rebuilt dreams! You have obtained some of the most important and valuable information you may ever receive. This three part guide will help you recapture the clean and clear credit report you once had so long ago. You are one of the few privileged consumers in America to have such precious information in your hands. EVERY person that has received this information has cleared their name on at least one item from a simple utility bill, to car repossession and bankruptcy. There is hope, and by reading this manual, and following it to the detail, you will achieve a clear credit report in two to ten months. I know this because I have a family member who used it personally, and cleared his name off of medical bills, a car repossession, four loans, a jewelry account, utility bills, three credit cards, and seven parking tickets! He was in debt over $30,000, and now he has a clean credit report. He’s been given the chance to start over and do it right this time. He now owns a brand new car, and has been approved for a $100,000 loan for a home! He never dreamed that he would be able to do such things again! Anyway, I won’t keep you. I know you are just waiting to dig into these booklets and begin rebuilding your dreams for a bigger and much brighter future. Remember, it will take some work, patience, persistence, and time, but it is all worth it in the end! Good Luck!



What you just read is the cover letter of the information package that can be sent to you to help you get started on removing those awful blemishes from your credit files. If you like what you have just read, then don’t hesitate to grab the opportunity of a lifetime. As president and owner of CASH™ Enterprises (Credit Assistance and Self Help), I can tell you now from my own experience that this information is one of the only legal ways to correct your credit history. As you read in the above letter, the gentleman who was able to clear $30,000 of negative information from his credit report was my very own brother. We both corrected our credit reports at the same time and both achieved excellent results. I was young when I purchased a brand new car that was repossessed 11 months before I had it paid off. I also had many credit cards which defaulted, furniture that was repossessed and even got evicted from my apartment and had a civil judgment placed in my credit files. Then, I did what I thought was impossible; I spent $6.40 on stamps and wrote letters disputing my files, even though the information in my credit files was correct and true. After 10 months, it worked...I had removed ALL of the negative information.

Then, I began helping close friends and family members. After assisting over 30 people whom I personally knew, I decided that this information should be shared with ALL American consumers (this information may not be of assistance outside of the U.S.). There are three booklets contained in my information package. The first one includes a full construction of what you need to do and how to do it. The second contains sample letters that you my use to dispute your files. The third is a copy of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Even though I did have a repo and bad credit cards, I was able to have these items removed from my credit! I know it sounds to good to be true, so I have guaranteed* your satisfaction or your money back! It is VERY inexpensive - the cost of dinner for two at Denny’s, a little more money than a music CD, less than the price of a ticket to Great America, about the same price as a full tank of gas...why not take the opportunity to make a small investment like this that can change your life?


Q. What if I did rack up my credit card and the debt is legitimately mine?
A. It doesn’t matter. There are laws that protect all of us from getting raked over the coals. The credit bureau must investigate ALL complaints, whether they are true or false, and most of the time they don’t have the time to research your complaint, so they just remove it from your credit files.

Q. What if my social security number was mixed up with someone else’s and their debt is on my credit report?
A. The credit bureaus MUST investigate ANY complaint you have, whether the debt is your or not. The entire process takes approximately 45 days.

Q. What if I have bad credit from a divorce, death in the family, job lay-off, etc.?
A. It doesn’t matter. There are laws that protect all of us from getting raked over the coals. The credit bureau must investigate ALL complaints, whether they are true or false, and most of the time they don’t have the time to research your complaint, so they just remove it from your credit files.

Q. What if I had an eviction and had to go to court to fight the eviction, but lost? There is a "Civil Judgment" on my credit report? Now I owe the property management company thousand’s of dollars!
A. It doesn’t matter. There are laws that protect all of us from getting raked over the coals. The credit bureau must investigate ALL complaints, whether they are true or false, and most of the time they don’t have the time to research your complaint, so they just remove it from your credit files.

So, if you have more questions, or you would like to order the information package for $22.95, please feel free to write to I will be glad to answer any other questions you may have. (We charge $22.95 for this information because it does cost us to print the information, plus electricity for the machines and we have to pay people to copy for us!)