Cin's Homepage
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Cin's Homepage

This is my homepage so please be patient I will be making changes in the future as time allows.
A little about me I am 33, live in IL, I am currently very happy with my partner in life Jeremy. I love my girls and my family. We go swimming, camping and try to enjoy life and play on the computer. :)

My family consists of: Pammela Michelle 13 seventh grader, Christine Nicole 10 fifth grader

My extended family can be found at take a peek at the baby!
My ICQ# is 8201019

We have a yorkshire terrier named Baby John,a pit bull named Charlie,and a gecko named Speedy. I predict we will charge admission to the zoo next year to cover vet costs *L*.

I have been online for a couple of years and spend most of my time online :) checking mail & talking to relatives online. *HUGS TO EVERYONE*
I have made other friends who are using ICQ and running about on the web. I enjoy using computers. I enjoy meeting new people and hope to have many more fun years using the world wide web. *S* *BIG HUGS*

My Favorite Links

My online Photo albumn
My oldest Daughter's Page
My Baby Girl's Page
Our Winter Pictures
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
I spend alot of my time in Easy Riding Room!
A fun place to find jokes, games, and more...
ICQ a fun way to keep in touch with friends

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