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The Test of High Sorcery

The Test of High Sorcery is the single most important event in a mage's life. A mage must pass the Test to become a Wizard of the Conclave. The outcome of the Test tells his entire future. If a mage fails the test, is fate is inevitably death. Thus many young mages are hesitant to undertake the dreaded Test. However, if a mage passes the Test, he is immeadiately accepted into the Conclave. Upon completion, the mage will be asked to chose an allegience to one of the Orders. There are three Orders of Wizards within the Conclave.

The Order of White Robes

-these are the mages of law and goodness. They serve the magical god Solonari, who takes the shape of a silver moon. These mages strive in their art for the betterment of man. Wizards of the white robes generally gain power slower than their brothers, yet they ultimately attain a higher level of power than any of the other magical Orders. A White Robe must folow the ways of good and keep this goal in his mind through all he does. Acts contrary to the mandate of good can eventually result in the downfall of a wizard.

The Order of Red Robes

-A wizard of the Red Robes is the follower of neutrality and the magical god, Lunitari, who takes the form of a red moon. Their studies are devoted to the aspect of knowledge. They strive to keep the balance between go and evil at all times. Red robes gain power faster than white robes, but slower than their black robed brethren.

The Order of Black Robes

-A wizard dedicated to the magical god Nuitari, who can only be seen by his followers because of his black moon quality. studies his magic for personal gain only. Most wizards of the Black Robes are naturally evil, but there exist those that are not, Lord Arimas a prime example. Black robed wizards attain power faster than any of the other Orders, but they also top out faster.

Let it be known that, with the desertion of the Gods, most mages have taken to praying to late Archmages such as the Conclave's former Blackmage, Ragnorak.

After a mage selects an Order to join, he or she must change his sign on name to reflect his allegience. For example, the young mage Adrias finishes his Test and apts to become one of the Red Robes. His previous sign on name was Adrias_the_Great_Mage. He changes his name to Adrias_of_the_Red_Robes. The name is how a member of the Conclave designates the other members, so it is not negotiable. Adrias_the_Red_Robed_Mage would be unacceptable. It must be as stated above. Your Name_of_the_your allegience_Robes.

Each mage's Test is unique. The Test is made to challenge the magician in a different way. It will somehow reflect his life. The Test is not fought against the Wizards of High Sorcery, but their creations. Do not be fooled however, since failure means death, the creations are quite deadly. each mage's full aspects will be Tested. His magical ability, his physical strength, his decision making, and even his ability for compassion.

After the Test has been completed and a mage has chosen his allegience, he may be asked who he serves. His first reply is himself and his magic. His second reply is The master of the Conclave. His third is the Head of his Order.

In no way is the Test of High Sorcery an easy task. Many come out of the Test with physical scars or defects. Still other come out with only the memory, which is equally as bad. As they say, wounds will heal with time, but the memories of such an event will never fade.