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Behind the Laughs
the story of the Avocado Jungle

Hanson Boy
his story
the sighting

The Lemur
his story

Enough of this Hilarity!
Serious Fanfic
by Iaman

click this one

The Pin!
click here

Update Me
click here

Spilled Guts

Iaman A. Lien
A. Woodchuck

This story is dedicated to Hanson boy.

This is a story by Iaman A. Lien and Astroturf Woodchuck.
If you would like to give us feedback, please leave Avocado Jungle in the subject box (so you don't get filtered in with the horrendous amounts of rather nasty junk mail that some email services tend to let through... no names need be mentioned...). Thanks.

Hey, look! We got a disclaimer!

This story, we should warn you, is absolutely and completely insane. It's a crossover between X-Files and everything we could think of. So, basically we took Mulder and Scully and made them into complete mental cases. Enjoy!


Installment One.. Mulder and Scully venture into the jungle!

Installment Two...and proceed to go mental!

Installment Three.. you'll just have to see, now won't you?


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