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William WEAVER Estate  
    Volume 3--Probate Minutes--1867-1874--Page 289-291
           Hillsboro--Hill County Courthouse--Texas
LDS Microfilm #0985165

In the matter of the estate of Wm. WEAVER deceased.  Administration on community property by the surviving widow.

The State of Texas}  To the Hon. District Clerk
        County of Hill}   of Hill County;-

Your reporter Mary E. WEAVER, a resident citizen of the county and state afore said would respectfully represent unto your honor that Wm. WEAVER departed this life in Hill County on the 5th day of Feby 1870, and that she is the surviving widow of the said decedent, that all the property belonging to said estate is community property and that under the laws of the 12th Legislature Section 36 of an act-regulating proceedings in matter of probate, she is entitled to manage and control said estate by returning to you under oath an inventory of said property and giving bonds for the property management of the business of said estate & c.  And would most respectfully return the following inventory and appraisement of the property belonging to said estate, viz.

(10) Ten head of horses valued at.............$355.00
(2) Two yoke of oxen valued at.................    75.00
(1) One horse wagon valued at..................   125.00
(2) Two guns valued at...............................     30.00
(532 1/2) Five hundred & thirty two & one
half acres land in Hill Co. upon which she
now lives.  H R of Sec of Hill and, valued....1034.00
Lot of Hogs....................................................    20.00
Total value of property.................................$1640.00
                 Respiy &c.
Witnesses:  H.R. Helrick}     Mary E. her X mark WEAVER
                     W.B. Tarver}

Sworn to and subscribed before me this Sept 30th AD 1870
                                                                  John A. Purnell, Clerk
                                                                  per H.R. Helrick, Deputy

We the undersigned do solemnly swear that we have appraised the property belonging to the estate of Wm. WEAVER, deceased, and that the within & foregoing is a ______ and correct in inventory and valuation of the same.

        Sworn to & subscribed before me}  W.B. Tarver
                  this 30th day Sept AD 1870}    Jas. P. McDow
                          John A. Purnell, Clerk}    Appraisers
                     per H.R. Helrick, Deputy}

The State of Texas}
         County of Hill}  Know all men by these present that we Mary E. WEAVER as principal and L.E. Gillett and Jas. P. McDow as sureties are heed and firmly bound unto the district clerk of Hill Co., Texas in the just and full sum of ($1640) sixteen hundred and forty dollars for the payment of which we bind ourselves our heirs administrators and executors witness our hands and scrolls for seals this Sept 30th AD 1870.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bounder Mary E. WEAVER has under an act of the 12th Legislature regulating matters of estate filed under oath and inventory of the community property of the estate of Wm. WEAVER, decd, as surviving widow of said decedent, now if the said Mary E. WEAVER shall well & truly administer said estate according to law and pay over such person or persons who may be entitled to receive it one half of the surplus money or property of said estate after the payment of all the debts of said estate and shall in all other respects comply with the law in such cases made and provided then this bond is null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.
H.R. Helrick                                Mary E. her X mark WEAVER
W.B. Tarver                                L.E. Gillett
Approved Sept 30th AD 1870}           Jas P. McDow
            John A. Pernell, Clerk}
       per H.R. Helrick, Deputy}
Filed for records Sept 30th AD 1870 and recorded October 1st AD 1870.
                    John A. Pernell, Clerk
                    per Howard R. Helrick, Deputy