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Alpha is very special. He has many roles which are very important to the survival of the family . He is a leader, guides and directs us firmly yet lovingly. He is protector, watches over us and protects us from dangers that we may not be aware of. He teaches us with great wisdom and knowledge. He is a provider, supplying a home to shelter us. He is always there to offer support and comfort when needed and to advise us when necessary. He is my hero.

Sometimes days grow long and Alpha grows tired and weary from all that he must do; so he lies down and tries to squeeze in moments of rest when he can. shhhh ! !

Sometimes Alpha's life is a lonely one without a mate to love, to stand by him and help him, so when darkness falls he looks to the moon and the stars in search of an answer to his dreams.

Alpha leaves his mark on all those he touches, especially me......He is loved and respected by all. He is a very good man, a good teacher and mentor, but most of all he is a very special friend and companion that I love and cherish deeply.


Here is a melody that is a favorite of his and I love it too...

If you would like to hear some more songs that he loves go to "I'll Fly With You", "Eyes On Me", "Protecting Love's Honor", "I Hope U Dance", "My Final Fantasy", "Ending or Beginning of Our World" which are listed below.

This page was created as a tribute to my love and mate, AlphaWolfGod by _-_angel_-_eyes_-_ ....With Lots of Love from My Heart

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