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Welcome O/one and A/all to what was the WOTSW Den in old VP. Tho this is not a den any longer due to Old VP closind and all our wolves moving on to other galaxies, forests and chat areas, this room will remain in memory of those who called it home and to those who will always consider it a home.

Wolves are free spirits not to be tamed....very caring and protective of their own....very loyal to their mate and their pack.....At one time there were many but due to ignorance of man the numbers are decreasing.....Man fears what they can not understand and the wolf is very misunderstood and feared.....If only man could be like the wolf this world would be a better place.....The spirit of the wolf comes from within and must come by it naturally... cannot be forced upon....One must be true and honest to oneself and to others.....

The wolf cares for his pack as we care for our family !!!

I want to thank and honor all my family in making this pack the great wolf pack it was. Thier spirits along with mine will always be here to watch over and help guide those who visit.

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