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Modern Garou are divided into 13 tribes that stand against the Wyrm. A 14th tribe, the Black Spiral Dancers, consist of Garou who have been corrupted and now serve the Wyrm. As might be expected, each tribe has its own unique indentity and agenda.


Black Furies:

Almost entirely female, they are the avengers of the wyld. They originated in Greece.

Bone Gnawers:

The lowest of the tribes, living on the streets of the urban slums.

Children of Gaia:

Of all the Garou they are the most in harmony with the collective will of the planet. They seek true unity. They prefer to be peacefull, but when necessary they can be very merciless.


Masters of language and song. These Celtic Garou are the preservers of the werewolves' history. When angered they can be among the most savage of the Garou.

Get of Fenris:

It is said they would gladly allow themselves to be devoured by the a Wyrm demon just so they could rip out its tounge before they died.

Glass Walkers:

These city Garou have adapted and are preveyors of technology and wealth.

Red Talons:

Composed entirely of lupus Garou, they are the most in touch with their beastial natures.

Shadow Lords:

The dark warriors of the Garou.

Silent Striders:

Travel is their existence. They wonder from caern to caern and through the urban, wilderness, and and spirit realms as they choose.

Silver Fangs:

Many of these children display disquieting traits that other Garou have only recently dared to call madness.

Star Gazers:

Mystic spiritualists and contemplators; can preform lupine martial disciplines and feats of will unknown to other Garou.


They are the remains of on of the three great North American Garou tribes.


Nearly exterminated by genocidal practices of Europeans. Masters of survival, spirit, and war.