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Demons have their own set of "virtues." These represent the liklihood of them behaving in a certain manner, if the oppertunity presents itself.

When ever a demon is in a posistion where it has more to gain by betraying its supporters and allies then by remaining loyal to them, it must make a Treachery roll. If it gets a least one success, it will betray its supporters. The difficulty is based on the size of potential gain by betraying them. The larger the gain, the lower the difficulty level.

Cruelty represents the liklihood that the demon will commit some atrocity for its own pleasure when the oppertunity presents itself. Thus, if the demon has a chance to commit some debased act, it must make a roll using this Virtue. If it succeeds, it will commit the act. The difficuly level is based on how much out of it's way the demon must go to commit the act and the desirability of the situation. Thus, if the demon were running from a group of Inquisitors, the difficulty level would be high because the demons self-intrest is at stake, but if the situation involved the oppertunity to throw a little child off a bridge, the demon would be hard pressed not to stop and enjoy itself.

It is used the same as it is for vampires, but it is a rare comodity among these creatures.

Barliagus the Cataboligne

Barliagus is a very minor demon. He is considered a member of the Catabolignes, a type of demon that enjoys Manipulating human agents. They treat their earthy servants well and are even known to manifest themselves to protect them, though it is rare. They are better known for using their powers to prey apon these who oppose them or their servants. The will kidnap such an individual, carry him away to a safe location and crush his flesh and bones. Barliagus is a common member of his kind. He has immediate plans to establish a following os immortal servants. They will ais him in his not-yet-developed master plan. Barliagus has found Sabbat vampires the most acceptable servants due to their lack of their human morality, their long existance and their aptitude for secrecy.

Grantel the Mandragora

Grantel is the servant of a more powerful demon. He acts as a link between this more potent demon and its Earthly following. Grantel willingly helps any servant of his in her schemes for as long as its mater wishes it to. Grantel's ultimate mission is to corrupt the very soul of the indiviual. Over the centuries he has served as a familiar to more than one infernalist, and now he would be greatful to serve a new one, especially one so powerful as a vampire. Grantel appears in either two forms: a small, old man with a beard or as a doll os some kind.

Lucriria the Succubus

Lucricia is a Succubus. She is a demon who gains power by having sex with mortals. Lucricia has long prefered humans over the undead leeches, but has recently learned she can blood bond vampires to her. They appear to get no sustenance from her "blood", but they receive enormous pleasure. Lucricia has decided to involve both Kindred and kine in her vile schemes, whatever they may be.

Nubarus, Grand Vizier of the Infernal Realms

Nubarus is an extremly powerful being and one of the mightiest demons an Infernalist could meet on Earth. However Nubarus does not manifest very often, thanks to the overwhelmind number of pwerful servants in this world. Nubarus is a Grand Vizier of one of the Infernal regions. He can assume his own form, a human form, or the form of a crow while on Earth. He is known to grant poerwful Investments for the price of a living soul. He has legions under his command.

Tivilio, the Injurer of Cats

Tivilio, is a minor demon who draws power from the sacrifice of cats, a practice called Taigherirm. He once had a rather large following in the Scottish Highlands, but he lost it long ago. Tivilio granted a large number of minor Investments to his followers but never gained a large number of souls, so he relied on animal sacrifices as the main method of increasing his own demonic prestige and potency. He favors the sacrifice of cats, and he is known to assume the form of a large, mangy black cat and walk the Earth after a large number of them are slaughtered in his name. Tivilio is looking for those who would grant him animal sacrifices, but he has begun craving even larger gifts of whorship because he has seen just how evil the Sabbat can be.