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Time of Thin Blood

Book of Nod Excerpt

Vampires of high generations have emerged into the World of Darkness. The 14 and 15 generations have lost the potencey of the blood. While despite many drawbacks they seem to posses, they do have some interesting compensation. Seer's, Inceptors, and even some of the 15th generation have given birth, Dhampirs are the result. Here is a little explain about what they can and can not do...

14th Generation: The blood begins to thin... About half of them are clanless. They may embrace, create a blood bond, or create a ghoul only if they do not have the flaw "Thin Blood". They can't eat or drink, without vomiting immediantly thereafter. They can create their own discipline(s), but may not exceed a max rating of 4 in any discipline. They may also have "Insight".
15 Generation: The Last Generation. These vampires are always clanless. They can not; embrace, create a ghoul, or create a blood bond. They can eat or drink, they still vomit, just later. They also can create their own disicipline(s), but can not exceed a max rating of 3 in any disiciplines. They may have "Insight". This generation of vampires only take soakable leathal damage from the sun. They have the flaw "Thin Blood".
Dhampir: Born of the Undead. They are mortal, so they have no clan. They can not embrace, ghoul, or create blood bonds. They can eat or drink without vomiting. They can't create disiciplines, max of 1 for all discipline ratings. They can not have Insight. They can walk in the sun.
Those who can create their own disciplines are known as Inceptors. Seer's have Insight, wich is visions that they have, the visions are vampire related only as far as I can tell right now. The Thin Blooded's cost usage for blood is doubled. 14th generation use 8 for blood for disiciplines, or pumping up stats, and save 2 for waking up, and hunting. 15 generation vampires save 4, for the same reasons. Dhapirs, are basicly ghouls who don't need blood to remain so. They regenerate their pool on their own, as a body function of theirs.


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