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Welcome to Morgan's Place.

A dark and mysterious corner, and since I am a luddite when it comes to web design, its all very basic..

Here you will find a collection of my West Wing fan fiction and my Startrek Voyager fanfiction. If you are not a fan of fanfiction, Startrek or The West Wing, may I respectfully suggest you move on.

There will be no new updates to my West Wing pages, all the action (such as it is) is taking place on the Voyager pages.

Some of the stories on these pages are rated PG13 or even NC17, if you are under 18, or offended by such material, please act responsibly and do not read them.

The characters featured are the property of Paramount and NBC, no infringement of copyright is intended, no profit is made from these stories

What's New!

There are two new Voyager stories for you to read The Circus and World Enough and Time
The West Wing - read the West Wing stories I've uploaded so far HERE

West Wing stories

My Voyager Fanfiction

The Challenge Page -More fanfiction can be found here.

If you have any feedback or questions you can e mail me

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