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Ever seen something SO incredibly stupid that you thought nobody in the world would ever do it or believe it until you actually witnessed it? Well, this is where I have the honor of posting the moronic things that I've witnessed people do. If you have the story of some poor lost soul that somehow wandered into the tangle and mess of words that so often confuses people, send it in, and I will proudly post it, thinking "Damn, that's one gullible person." Brad, before you even ask, kindly lay off on the ones about me.

    My first story begins on a lonely night of randoiming on ICQ, when I wasn't quite wide awake, but not ready for bed... Perfect time to have some fun. I randomed a guy with a simple question, "Boxers, or briefs?" I asked. He happened to be from China, and didn't have any clue what boxers are, so I decided to have a little fun. I brought forth another question, "Well, what color are your underwear?" He happened to know what underwear is, and I have no clue why he did, but he actually responded, informing me that his underwear was white, and asking what color my underwear was. Well, I wasn't about to tell some guy who I didn't even know what color my underwear was, so I told him mine were purple with green polka-dots. He was amazed. He hadn't even heard of any underwear that was anything BUT white, so he said "Really??" and I said "Oh yeah." Then came a question that I wasn't exactly prepared for. He asked me why I was asking what color his underwear was. I wasn't about to tell him "Oh, well  I'm just bored off my ass here," so I told him "Well, I'm participating in a college experiment, testing my idea that underwear determines your personality." This left him dumbfounded and wondering what the studies showed for him, so he threw out another question, "What does it mean to have white underwear like mine?" At this point I was laughing my ass off, and I barely managed to type out "White means that you're a fairly boring person. You don't like spending extra money unless you have to, and you don't really stick out much in a crowd." To me, this was obvious bullshit, but the gullible Chinese guy persisted with yet another question, asking me what it meant to have underwear like the ones he thought I had on (purple with green polka-dots). I wasn't about to give up on this. It was an excellent chance to just have more fun, so I said "Oh, well that means you're an outgoing person, and people look up to you. They admire your courage and independance." By now I was literally rolling on the floor laughing, when he sent another message, sincerely thanking me for my time and the information I gave him, so if you start noticing odd things pertaining to underwear occuring in China, you never read this, this doesn't exist, and I am in no way responsible. At least, I hope not.

    My second story here comes from the same kinda time as before. Bored, and late at night. I was talking with my friend Valeria over ICQ, when we decided to just mess around with randomers. So we looked for a little bit, and finally dragged someone into a chat with us. We started off by introducing with the standard a/s/l, all that stuff, and just for fun, Valeria and I decided that we "lived next door." So we got to talking, and the guy finally asked how we were doing. I said I was doing fine, but Val decided to start with the fun. She instantly became a 1-legged cripple who couldn't do anything. Had to have me (her next door neighbor) come over to do basically everything, up to and including meals and stuff, all because her leg was run over and amputated 2 weeks ago. Already I was beginning to wonder ho gullible the guy was when Val started whining about being hungry and wanting dinner. I said "I'll be over in a minute." So we talked for a little bit longer, and while she was whining about being hungry, I casually slipped in "Oh, it's only been 2 days since I last fed ya." That set this guy off. He started bitching at me and screaming at me to go over and feed her. By then I was certain that he was definitely among the most gullible people that I had ever met. The moral of this story.... Be sure not to forget to feed people that have broken legs, cuz the whine loud.

This one isn't really a story, but a chat log from a few friends. The only thing you need to know is this: almost everything colrad and DataFreez said is a croc.
 Click here to see the log.

Ya see that log above? Wanna see the sequel?
Click here.

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