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DATURA Datura species

Family: Solanacea

Various Species:

D. Stramonium, D. Inoxia(D. meteloides), D. metel (D. fastuosa), D. tatula

Common Names:

Jimson Weed, Jamestown Weed, Mad Apple, Devil's Trumpet, Stink Weed, Thorn Apple, Moon Flower, Sacred Datura, Night Shade,

Trivial Names:

del diablo, Belladona de Pobre, Chamico, Concombre Zombi, Estramonio, Peo de Fraile, Kikania, La'au-Hano, Pomme Epineuse, Herbe aux Sorciers

Drug Classification:

Hallucinogen, Deliriant, Hypnotic, Narcotic

Material Used: All parts of the plant are Holy Flower of North Star, Toloache, Yerba toxic. Seeds, Fruit, Flower, Nectar, Leaves, Stem, and root all have a very high alkaloid yield.

Preperation: Root- Algonquin hallucinogenic drink: Wysoccan, Powdered root is placed into eyes, Crush root in water, Leaves- Stem- Seeds- Added to Cannabis cigarettes, Powdered seeds are added to wine, Ayehausca addmixture, Flower-



Leaves- Smoked, Made into tea, Witch Brew(Vaginaly)


Seeds- Oral,

Flower- Flower may be put behind ear. Flower may be sucked on.

Nectar- Nectar may be drunk.




3 leaves (2 X 1 inch)-

Administration: Smoked

Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Mild, Dizziness, Decieved Depth Perception

Duration:6-12 hours

3 small buds-

Administration: Smoked in waterbong

Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Uncoordination, Dizziness, Light-headedness, Unprevoked laughter, Anciety, Difficulty in communicating effectively, and a feeling of drunkeness.

Duration: 6-12 hours

2 leaves (7.7 inch square)-

Administration: Smoked in waterbong

Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Prolonged intoxication, Visual and Auditoary Hallucinations Perceptual Changes, Delirium. Duration: 24-72 hours

1/2 leaf-

Administration: Eaten

Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Mild, Dizziness, Decieved Depth Perception

Duration: 6-12 hours

1 leaf-

Administration: Eaten

Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms:Mild, Dizziness, Decieved Depth Perception Duration: 6-12 hours



100 seeds-

Administration: Smoked

Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Strong intoxication, Visual and Auditoary Hallucinations, Perceptual Changes Duration: 6-12 hours

45 seeds- Administration: Tea through coffee filter Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Strong intoxication, Visual and Auditoary Hallucinations, Perceptual Changes Duration: 12- 24 hours

60 seeds-

Administration: Tea passed through coffee filter 5 times

Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Strong intoxication, Visual and Auditoary Hallucinations, Perceptual Changes Duration: 12- 24 hours

10 seeds-

Administration: Eaten

Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Uncoordination, Dizziness, Light-headedness, Unprevoked laughter, Anciety, Difficulty in communicating effectively, and a feeling of drunkeness. Duration: 6-12 hours 50 seeds- Administration: Eaten Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Prolonged intoxication, Visual and Auditoary Hallucinations Perceptual Changes, Delirium. Duration: 24-72 hours 120 seeds- Administration: Eaten Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Prolonged intoxication, Visual and Auditoary Hallucinations Perceptual Changes, Delirium. Duration: 24-72 hours 3/4 teaspoon seeds- Administration: Poultice/Salve Physical symptoms: Pupil Dilation, Drying of oral and naval cavities, Flushing of skin, Increased heartrate Mental symptoms: Strong intoxication, Visual and Auditoary Hallucinations, Perceptual Changes Duration: 12- 24 hours Flower-


Known Potentiators: MAOI's are known to increase the effects of Datura.

Antidotes and Treatments: Licorice(Glycyrrhiza), A slow Intravenous administration of physostigmine( 0.5 Mg. Adolescents, 2 Mg. Adults) should be repeated until cholinergic effects appear.

Effects: Effects vary with dosages

Psychological- Audio Hallucinations, non-Pseudo-Hallucinations, Excitement, Delirium, Incoherent speech, Apparent insanity. Euphoria, Disturbed Vision, Stimulation, Anxiety, Extreme Disorientation, Loss of memory, Loss of space and time, Sensitivity to light and noise, Dream States, Loss of body control, Vertigo, Astral travel to familiar places, Delirium in sleep, Hyperpyrexia, light headedness, unprevoked laughter, anxiety, Intensified dreams, Blurring of lines between theta and delta stages of sleep(dreaming and waking times), wobbling legs, Leaning of body towards ground, Invalid Depth Perception, Out-of-body experiences, Deminsional traveling, Encounters with people who aren't there(Primarily Past Friends or Relatives), Melting into objects, Becoming "One with the universe", Feelings of alientation, Intoxication, Aphrodisiac, Amnesia, Confussion, Sluggish Thinking Physical- Convulsions, High blood pressure, Dry Mouth, Dry nasal cavaties, Flushing and Redness of skin, Pupil dilation, Nausea, Headache, Vomiting, Rapid Pulse, Elevated Temperature, Coma, Dehydration, Cardiac Failure, Seizures, Mydriasis, Tachycardia, Urinary Retention, Pressure in the head,


Medical Uses: Datura is said to be a better remedy for cough than opium

Classifications- Anticholinergenic, Anodyne, Antispasmodic, Treatment For- Heart Ailments, PMS, Bronchial Asthma, Parkinsons desease, Cholinergenic Overdoses, Chronic Laryngitis, Dilating Pupils,

Folk Uses: Cure for Cancer, Dietary Supplemement, Local Analgesic for Burns, Sadative in epilepsy, Influenza, Cough Remedy, Healing wounds, Treating Acne,

Myths/Legends: Crime, Witchcraft, Sorcery,

Active Alkaloids/Chemicals:

Distribution: Datura Species grows wild in almost all parts of the world. Datura can be found in waste places such as ditches along highways and other places where the earth has been disturbed and very few other plants may grow. Datura can also be gound in pastures and Gardens.




Description: General- Coarse weedy herb, Foul-smelling herbage, Annual Stem- Stout, grows to be 1-5 feet high Leaves- Large, oval, Wavy margins, Dark green above, Lighter beneath, Ovate, Irregularly incised and toothed Flowers- large, tubular, White or Fusia, Fruit- round, Prickly Capsule, Contains many black seeds Root- Large Whitish Seed- Small, Kidney shaped, Black


Identification: .Species- .Male/Female


Drug Interactions: MAO inhibitors are known to potentiate the ffects of datura.

LD50: The lethal dose of datura varies between different species and how you body responds to it. For some people what a recreational dose might be will be a lethal dose for other people.

Addiction: Datura is not known to be addictive.


One builds up tolerance to the narcotic alkaloids of datura very quickly. You do not build up tolerance to the other alkaloids in there and there is possability of death of over dose when you increase the dosage.


Datura has been known to be used in ayahausca brews and with san pedro.


Datura is not a scheduled substance although some states are known to have it listed as a nautios weed.
