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10 principles to cope with fear
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10 principles to cope with fear

Below are listed “10 Principles to cope with fear.” I wrote them down on a 3" x 5" card and carried them in my wallet for a couple of years. Wherever I was, whenever I felt anxiety coming on, I would refer to them - rereading their powerful Truth. Over time, they became my natural thought process.


1. It does not matter if you are frightened.

2. Just because you feel the sensation does not mean you are sick.

3. Let the feelings come - they will pass.

4. Make yourself as comfortable as possible without escaping.

5. Stop adding to your distress with negative thoughts.

6. Refocus your body.

7. Wait - give it time to pass.

8. View the situation as an opportunity to practice.

9. Try and distract yourself.

10. When your feelings subside - let your body go loose.

by Fensterheim