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You are now on the road to recovery

Panic - what is it?
My story - About us
Helpful Books
First thing first
Misbelief/Truth worksheet
Coping self statement
10 principles to cope with fear
Diaphragmatic breathing
Understanding your thoughts
Panic Prone Personalities
The Importance of Practice
Stories from the Jericho Road

First things first

There are a variety of things that you can do to feel better including cognitive therapy, psychotherapy, exposure therapy, learning coping skills, finding the right medication etc... But there are some things that can stop doing and/or start doing right now that may be contributing to your anxiety or depression. Some of them are:

* Stop using illegal drugs.
Seems like a no-brainer but I’ll say it anyway. Many illegal drugs can cause panic attacks and depression.

* Stop smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco products.
These products can dramatically effect how we feel. And they are unhealthy. (I quit smoking over fifteen years ago - and if I can quit, anybody can quit.)

* Moderate alcohol and caffeine consumption.
Both can contribute to exaggerated emotional states.

* Start an exercise program.
Studies show that exercise reduces stress. If you are elderly or have any physical challenge, consult your physician before you begin.

* Control your diet. Don’t let it control you.
What we eat can dramatically effect how we feel.

* Have a thorough physical examination.
Medical conditions can sometimes contribute to anxiety and depression.

* Check with your physician about any prescription medication or "over-the-counter" medication that you are currently taking.
I was once prescribed a medication for helping to clear up a sinus infection. It worked wonderfully except that I felt a constant “mid-level” anxiety while I was taking it. After waking up one night with a spontaneous panic attack I did some research and found out that the two most common side effects of this drug were “fear” and “anxiety.”

It is entirely possible that once you have incorporated the above either into or out of your lifestyle, your symptoms may disappear altogether.