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Hello, I'm _-_angel_-_eyes_-_ from old excite aka Ice_Angel_10 in Halsoft and this is my haven. This was the very first page I ever created back in 1999. Since this time I have created numerous pages and have grown with each one. A/all are welcome to visit my rooms as long as respect is shown towards O/others here no matter W/whom they may be. All my rooms are Absolutely NO capture NO kill zonez rooms out of respect for some friends I have in the different lifestyles out there(Gor... d/s.... bdsm and vamps). If A/any do not approve, I am sorry, but I follow my own heart and wish all my rooms to be available and safe to A/all.

A meeting place for the mind and soul; allowing them to create a never-ending bond...
May the stars light a pathway for you to follow, and may the spirits in Heaven watch over you on your journey....
May you find the peace and love that you search for....
When you find it, may you have the good fortune to hold on to it and never have to let it go....

Will be adding links to My other pages in time so please check back ......

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