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Name:  Shaemus Nature:  Defender Generation:  10
Player:  Erik Olander Demeanor:  Survivor Haven:  Unknown
Chronicle:   Clan:  Gangrel Concept:  People's Championn


Strength:  3 Charisma:  2 Perception:  2
Dexterity:  3 Manipulation:  2 Intelligence:  3
Stamina:  4 Appearance:  2 Wits:  3


Acting:  0 Animal Ken:  3 Academics:  0
Alertness:  2 Archery:  2 Hearth Wisdom:  1
Athletics:  0 Crafts:  0 Investigation:  2
Brawl:  2 Etiquette:  0 Law:  0
Dodge:  2 Herbalism:  0 Linguistics:  0
Empathy:  0 Melee:  3 Medicine:  0
Intimidation:  3 Music:  0 Occult:  2
Larceny:  0 Ride:  0 Politics:  0
Leadership:  0 Stealth:  3 Science:  0
Subterfuge:  0 Survival:  3 Semeschal:  0


Werewolf lore:  5 Animalism:  1 Conscience:  4
  Fortitude:  2 Self-Control:  3
  Protean:  2 Courage:  3
    Road of Heaven:  5
    Willpower:  6

Generated using VampChar/VampDark  -  The Inner Chambers