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Theres not much on this page because I think the other pages probably tell you enough about me.

Well this is me. I know I still haven't got a new photo, I will do one day I promise. There are a few in these pages but they aren`t very good. I`m 25 and from Liverpool England.

I`ve just finished studying Geology at Liverpool University. I haven`t had much time to do much apart from work these last 3 years. But I`ve had the opportunity to travel a bit on my course You`ll find photos from some of my fieldwork in these pages.

One of the things I still have time for is football. I`m a massive Liverpool fan. Again theres more about L.F.C on this website

This is the crest of the Scottish Clan of my ancestors. I`m not normally into this kind of stuff, But I`ve not heard a better family motto than "Touch not this Cat!" so I thought I`d include it.

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