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Maine Officer Speaks Out

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When you cross over the New Hampshire border into Maine you are welcomed by the sign pictured above. After reading about the atrocities and brutalities inflicted upon Maine's citizens, the violations of rights, violations of law, obstruction of justice by high ranking officials, law enforcement and the courts, you can decide if this is "the way life should be." My investigation has been ongoing for several years. It will take time to give you the facts and the evidence of the inhumane treatment inflicted upon two innocent,law-abiding citizens who stood up for their rights. I will keep adding to this site, so please check back. About l988 I was retained by Marion Lafortune of Biddeford, Maine, York County, to assist her in her pursuit of the wrongful death of her husband at Southern Maine Medical Center.I reviewed the medical records obtained by an attorney who "smelt a rat" and the evidence does indicate a wrongful death. I agreed to investigate further. Because she was being railroaded by attorneys on a malpractice suit, she kept an eye on the court file. She and her daughter, Dorothy Ruel would go to the clerk of courts office at York County Superior Court House about once a week for months. When documents were missing from the file they questioned the whereabouts of these documents. The file was eventually "sealed for life." In November of l990 my client and her daughter went to the clerk's office to find out why this file was empounded. The daughter was speaking to Diane Hill, clerk, whom she personally knew and another secretary. During their conversation a York County Deputy Sheriff, Clifford Scott, entered the office. It wasn't unusual that an officer be around the courthouse. Mrs.Lafortune and her daughter, Ms. Ruel, left the clerk's office and were leaving the building.As they were walking through the lobby, they heard someone say "arrest her." Deputy Scott grabbed Ms. Ruel's left arm and twisted it up behind her back. She was crying and told him that he was hurting her and he pushed her arm up a little higher. Ms. Ruel called the deputy a bastard and he grabbed her by the neck and threw her to the floor face down. (Ms. Ruel weighed about 95lbs and 5'tall; Deputy Scott weighed about 220lbs and nearly 6'tall) Deputy Scott layed on top of Ms. Ruel pressing down on her back, her leg and her ankle. He pressed her face into the marble floor and every time she tried to lift her head off the floor he pushed her face back against the floor. Eventually Deputy Scott handcuffed Ms.Ruel, arms behind her back. After she was on her feet, one of the five deputies watching this whole thing happen (and each have their own account of what happened according to the records), Deputy Mary Dowdell, spoke with Ms. Ruel. As the two spoke, Deputy Scott grabbed Ms. Ruel by the neck,pushed her up against a wall and she went back down on the floor. Deputy Dowdell "saw no reason for Deputy Scott to grab Ms. Ruel by the neck and push her violently." Ms. Ruel was then brought upstairs to a holding cell with Deputy Scott pulling on the handcuffs like a pony ride for the purpose of wrenching her arms and causing her unnecessary pain. Ms. Ruel was taken to this cell while awaiting a sheriff cruiser to pick her up. However, there was a cruiser outside before she was taken upstairs. Once inside the holding cell, Deputy Scott threw Ms. Ruel on the floor again, laid on her as he had done downstairs, and uncuffed her to take away her pocketbook. Ms. Ruel was later transported to the York County jail, charged with assault upon Deputy Scott and Criminal Trespass in the clerk of courts office and then released on P.R. She was taken to Goodall Hospital in Sanford, Me. for treatment and ex-rays of her injuries. The on duty stated she "was badly roughed up." She suffered shoulder, cheek, knee, ankle, back and elbow injuries as a result of Clifford Scott's use of excessive force. These injuries have jeopardized her career as a ballet teacher. Notorized statements from some of Ms. Ruel's students regarding her injuries are available. The next day Ms. Ruel went to the York County Sheriff's Dept. to file a complaint of excessive force against Deputy Scott. Chief Deputy, Jeff Houston, refused to accept the complaint because he "would not go against one of his own." York County Sheriff, Wesley Phinney would not accept her complaint either. Neither York County Sheriff Dept., York County District Attorney Michael Cantara, Maine Attorney General James Tierney, who was nearing the end of his tenure at that time, and replaced by Michael Carpenter nor Governor John McKernan (husband of Congresswoman Olympia Snowe) would initiate an investigation into the abuse, excessive force and false arrest of Ms. Ruel. An internal affairs report of Deputy Mary Dowdell, conducted by Detective Michael McAlevey (now a state legislator) states the facts Ms. Ruel stated and that Deputy Dowdell "was shocked, surprised, amazed when (she)saw hands on (Ruel's) throat." She never saw Ms. Ruel "kick or strike anybody." Ms. Ruel obtained Atty. Paul Aronson to defend these charges of false arrest and criminal trespass. Also, he signed a contingency agreement with Ms. Ruel to represent her in an excessive force case against Deputy Scott. Before the trial of Ms. Ruel, her attorney received a letter from York County D.A. Michael Cantara willing to dismiss charges against Ms. Ruel if she would be willing to forego the civil suit against Clifford Scott and the County. Not being guilty of the charges, she refused the deal. During the trial, only one deputy, Mary Dowdell, took the witness stand. Diane Hill, clerk and one secretary also were called as state witnesses. The accusations of Deputy Scott that Ms. Ruel hit, kicked him, yelled obsenities at the clerk and secretary and refused to leave the clerk of courts office were contradicted by the state's witnesses.I have the court transcript to prove the perjury of Deputy Scott before Judge Roland Cole. There was no doubt that Ms. Ruel would be found "innocent." During a recess for the judge to meet with Atty. Aranson and the prosecutor, Deputy Dowdell, who had just been a witness, entered the jury room. She stayed in the room about 5-l0 minutes. When this was brought to the attention of Atty. Aranson, after his return from the judge's chambers,he did nothing. We broke for lunch, he went to his office because he "didn't feel good" and trial did not resume when we returned. The trial was over. Ms. Ruel was found "Guilty" on both charges. Her sentence: Not to enter the clerk of court's office. Atty. Aronson refused to appeal and did not represent Ms. Ruel in her civil suit against Deputy Scott and the county. Ms.Ruel has been pursuing an investigation into the assault upon her. Although Brian MacMaster, chief investigator for the Attorney General's office, has stated a thorough investigation was conducted, Ms. Ruel was never questioned by anyone from the A.G.'s office. No one saw her bruises and her pictures of her bruises. The only "thorough" investigation, verified by court documents, is a l0 minute interview from someone in the A.G.'s office with Deputy Scott. How do you conduct a "thorough" investigation in l0 minutes? Since D.A. Michael Cantara refused to accept Ms. Ruel's complaint against Deputy Scott and because the sheriff did not follow through in demanding the fulfillment of county investigature procedure on the part of the district attorney and the refusal of the A.G.'s office to investigate, a sheriff/D.A./A.G. Gentlemen's agreement had the effect of obstructing justice at the county and state levels in order to illegally and criminally shield York County from civil liability in this matter of police brutality. Additionally, a complaint was filed against the sheriff and Deputy Scott with the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. The complaint goes before a board and he Chairman of the Board is Brian MacMaster. Needless to say, nothing was done. MacMaster was holding position of chief investigator for the A.G.'s office, in Augusta, Me. and sat on the MCJA complaint board in Waterville, Me. As you continue to read the facts of my investigation, the events will turn your stomach and you'll learn how everyone in power sleeps in the same bed! District Attorney Michael Cantara covered up for York County law enforcement.The Attorney General's Office under James Tierney, Michael Carpenter and present A.G. have covered up for York County officials. Governors John McKernan and Angus King have covered up for state officials. Pursuant to the Constitution of Maine, Art.l @ l9(6), by the law of this State, the civil remedy of a person injured by a felonious assault and battery is not suspended till the offender has been prosecuted criminally. Nowland v. Griffin (l878)68 Me. 235. Ms. Ruel pursued the assault upon her and retained the legal services of Atty. Stewart Tisdale. He filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court, however, because of the number of pages I will attach his STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS only which will give you a good picture of what took place. When Atty. Tisdale refused to enter evidence in this case, Ms. Ruel dismissed him and proceeded as a pro se litigant. And I have to say she did an excellent job.Judge Brock Hornby was to hear this case. However, Magistrate David Cohen (remember this name he will come up later)heard the case. In order for Magistrate Cohen to hear this case a CONSENTTO PROCEED BEFORE U.S.MAGISTRATE JUDGE had to be agreed upon by the parties and signed by Judge Hornby. It was not signed by Judge Hornby. Ms. Ruel presented her case very well despite being denied to call witnesses, enter evidence and many "sidebars". It was evident that Magistrate Cohen did not want the jurors to hear the reasons for her many objections. The jury was given a SPECIAL VERDICT FORM with 5 questions to answer. Then Magistrate Cohen changed the VERDICT FORM to one that had 3 questions. While the jury was out both parties were called back to the courtroom and given a NOTE from the jurors. Ms. Ruel had proven her case of excessive force, but on the verdict form "no" is checked off. After Magistrate Cohen dismissed the jurors he ordered Ms. Ruel not to have any contact with the jurors and gave her an ORDER PROHIBITING POST-VERDICT CONTACT WITH JURORS and cited United States v. Kepreos. Attached is that case law and it involves mail fraud. The abuse of power and obstruction of justice is an outrage! Ms. Ruel continues her battle for justice against police brutality and will until Deputy Scott is prosecuted pursuant to the law. Although I was still working on Ms.Ruel's mother's case, I agreed to assist Ms.Ruel in this case of police brutality. I was threatened with phone calls to "back off", "did I want to learn the hard way?" I was chased through the back roads of my town, was run off the road, car totalled and left for dead on the side of the road bleeding like a pig. I sustained a broken nose, cracked ribs, cuts and not a single line was published in our newspapers. I believe the following atrocities, frauds, brutalities and violations that go beyond all bounds of decency that you will read about, with documented evidence, are in retaliation for Ms. Ruel and her mother's continued pursuit for justice. If justice is served, many people, government officials and the banking system will be exposed for their dirty work! If any of you have a comment or question, I may be contacted at: P.O. Box l87, Biddeford, Maine 04005