[ GuestBook by ]

Hello! I'm Diosaflor Temblor from the Philippines. My friends call me Diosa. I'm 15 years old and a third year high school student of Silliman university. My hobbies are dancing, chatting, and singing.

I'm interested in making new friends with people from far places. I believe this site is an effective tool in accomplishing just that.

Feel free to open the pages and view the pictures including mine. and do come back often as I intend to update this site as frequently as possible.

Please don't forget to sign my guestbook, okay? And please include your e-mail ad and webpage address so i can find you. Happy surfing and come back always.


This page is still under construction. There are pages that can't be opened yet. These pages are MORE ABOUT ME and MY FAMILY. Do come back next week as these pages will be completed. Thank you.

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