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#97 Battle Droid: Pilot, MTT Division

Entry: 14 October 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, October 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B+
Battle Droid: Pilot / MTT Division is one of the more economical non-unique characters in the game. Deploying for the standard 2 Power, for the standard 2 Deploy, this card is not special in any space or form. A scattergun spread of location bonuses on Tatooine, and a Damage of 1 is also standard issue for budding non-unique YJCCG characters everywhere. A Destiny of 4 is just nice enough as well. Don't even get me started on Battle card / Weapon support...

Decipher: B+
Nothing incredibly wrong here, truth be told. The image is, well, a battle droid, so that is one potential pitfall avoided. The stats of the card seem appropriate, and while the location bonuses are a bit off, they aren't *terrible*. In fact, the idea of a pilot having location bonuses at all sites is somewhat logical. I would prefer it however if this card had Power +2 at Tatooine: Desert Landing Site, and nowhere else. Does it make sense? I think so, although sense is relative, of course. Otherwise, no complaints here. I am aware that Battle Droid: Pilot / AAT Division is statistically identical to this card, but it isn' so bad this time due to the fact that thw two are of different dot colors. Next.

Overall Usefulness: B+
A fairly useful card is Battle Droid: Pilot / MTT Division. Arguably key in a Battle Droid theme deck, this card gives you reasonable Destiny and the ability to use all those fancy and effective Battle Droid theme cards. And if you are not using a Battle Droid theme, it is the kind of card that is handy to have around. A fairly nice Destiny and reasonable stats, a nice kind of card to slap down with your Aurra and a Blaster Rifle.

FLAVOR TEXT: "Begin landing your troops." -- Darth Sidious



Deploy: 2

Power: 2

Destiny: 4

Damage: 1

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +1
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +1
Tatooine/Podrace Arena: +1


Battle Droid Blaster Rifle
[#118, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Orange-Dot]
The Battle Droid Blaster Rifle is an integral part of any Battle Droid theme deck, giving your faceless minions Power +1 and a Destiny ? draw in battle. A Destiny of 4 is good enough, although you will probably still want to squeeze a couple of Blaster Rifles in just to give your deck's Average Destiny that additional boost.

In Complete Control
[#125, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Yellow-Dot}
The card that was the staple of Starter Deck-fresh YJCCG decks is still fairly good. It gives Power +2 in battle to any non-unique Battle Droid. Sure, not as much as Opee Sea Killer, but arguably just as good due to the flexibility it allows. One of these can be just enough to knock over that Qui-Gon and claim a planetary victory. Bwah-hah-hah!

The Invasion Is On Schedule
[#131, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Yellow-Dot}
It is unfortunately a bit Gungan Curiosity for my liking (being essentially the same as that Light card), but this card is still worth including. It allows any three non-unique Battle Droids to fight together in battle. 1-2 copies maximum, I would suggest - it is still a card that can win you a game from nowhere.


Battle Droid: Pilot / MTT Division is, from all perspectives, a standard, none-too-powerful, non-unique throwaway character. When you lose one of them in a game, you will not be disappointed. You may not even notice. Unsupported, a Battle Droid is mere cannon fodder for small green Jedi Masters with Blasters to shoot back to ye old Texas. But when combined with supporting cards, Battle Droids such as this variant can become Jedi crushing monsters from Terminator 4: Arnie is Back Yet Again. A Battle Droid theme is probably the easiest to make in YJCCG, and also one of the most effective. It is the YJCCG way.


* A Battle Droid theme? You mean you aren't sure how to slap one together?? Oh, alright. Briefly, and you can see how a slightly different deck is built in more detail in The Deck Theme Dictionary. Lets focus on Tatooine: Desert Landing Site, including two copies of that for starters. Green is nice and easy, and we will throw in multiples of both Battle Droid: Pilot / MTT Division and Battle Droid: Infantry / MTT Division. Blue is also a snap, with multiples of Battle Droid: Pilot / AAT Division and Battle Droid: Infantry / AAT Division mandatory. Red is a touch more difficult, but needless to say that copies of Battle Droid Squad / Assault Unit and perhaps everyone's favorite bounty hunter are ripe for the challenge. Mix in Battle Droid Blaster Rifles and Blaster Rifles for your arsenal (say, 5:5, or 6:4 / 7:3, depending on how many droids you wind up using),and In Complete Control (2-4), The Invasion Is On Schedule (1-2) and Opee Sea Killer for your Battle Card support. Have fun, conquer some planets, and say 'Roger Roger!' a lot.

* Battle Droid: Pilot / MTT Division x3 + The Invasion Is On Schedule + Battle Droid Blaster Rifle + Destiny = 6 on Tatooine: 16 Power. Nothing better than dropping this battle card in your plan when your opponent drops a Jedi and attacks, figuring he'll/she'll get rid of one of them, at least. Heh. Last mistake they'll ever make. Oh. Never tell me the odds. Etc.

* Style Tip: Take Naboo with your Trade Federation hordes. With your desert-programmed Trade Federation Hordes, even.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. One of the parts that I found genuinely amusing in the film was when Qui-Gon confronted that Battle Droid, attempting to convince it that he was the ambassador, or some such thing, and....I don't recall what I am rambling about?

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