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#95 Tusken Raider, Nomad

Entry: 9 October 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, October 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B
The mighty Tusken Raider / Nomad is perfectly attuned to the YJCCG state of okayness. Deploying for 2, with a base Power of 2, he/her/it has location bonuses of +1 at all Tatooine locations. With a Damage of 1, this card is not that far removed from a Battle Droid. In fact, Tusken Raider / Nomad is not removed at all from either Battle Droid: Pilot / AAT Division (although they are, I suppose, of different dot-colors).

Decipher: B-
A few quibbles. The first minor one (this time) is the strange similarity this card seems to have with at least one other Dark non-unique character (I will not name names....again.) But this potential catastrophe is somewhat averted by the fact that the two cards are completely different thematically and are different dot-colors. So it is not *that* bad. The other quibble is the subtitle of the card. Nomad? Just quietly, aren't *all* Tusken Raiders by character, nomadic? Just checking. Otherwise, fine. The scatter-fire spread of location bonuses are justified this time too.

Overall Usefulness: B
Would have been B+, but reduced due to statistical similarities to another card. Tusken Raider / Nomad is a fairly ordinary card with some very fancy Battle card and Weapon support. If you want to avoid the Battle Droid theme for some inexplicable reason, you may want to try out Tusken Raider / Nomad and cards such as Sniper and Tatooine Thunder Rifle in a sandy theme of death. Unfortunately, that theme is effectively stymied by the fact that both non-unique Tusken Raiders are of the same dot-color. D'oh!

FLAVOR TEXT: Tusken Raiders, also known as "Sand People", roam the Jundland Wastes.



Deploy: 2

Power: 2

Destiny: 3

Damage: 1

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +1
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +1
Tatooine/Podrace Arena: +1


Tatooine Thunder Rifle
[#117, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Yellow-Dot]
The Tusken Raider weapon of choice, it provides any Tusken Raider with Power +2 and a Destiny ? draw in battle, or alternatively any other character with a Destiny ? draw in battle. Not bad, and with a Destiny of 5, you are not losing much Destiny-wise by using this card instead of the Blaster Rifle. 10 of these in a deck with 10 Tusken Raiders may be going overboard a bit, though.

[#130, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Yellow-Dot}
Ah, yes, the infamous Battle card that hands Tatooine-advantage to the Dark side. Sniper provides a whopping Power +4 bonus to any Tusken Raider or any character at Tatooine: Desert Landing Site. Obviously one of the perfect Dark Battle cards for a deck based at the Desert Landing Site, and even better if you have a full complement of Sandpeople handy. A Destiny of 4 is outrageously economical considering how effective the card is.


Tusken Raider / Nomad is an okayish card that becomes very powerful when used in combination with cards such as Sniper and the Tatooine Thunder Rifle. Back in my day (heh), when I just starting playing SWCCG, I fondly recall how Tusken Raiders always ruled Tatooine locations. Is it the same in YJCCG? Almost. But because both Tusken Raider / Nomad and Tusken Raider / Marksman are green-dot, you can only (until perhaps the release of Jedi Council, which is... pending...) have 10 of them in your deck. Which means that Tusken Raiders can not really dominate your deck. A shame, but maybe it is best that way. The Light side deserves *a chance* on Tatooine!


* A desert theme of death? Let's do the easy bits first. 5 copies each of Tusken Raider / Nomad and Tusken Raider / Marksman for the green category, and....hey, what the hell, 10 copies of Tatooine Thunder Rifle for our weapon stores (orange). With an eye on the natives, we'll settle for 5 copies of Gragra / Chuba Peddler and 5 copies of either Aurra Sing / Bounty Hunter or Darth Maul / Sith Apprentice (or a mixture of the two) for red. Blue is tailor-made for the Hutts, so 3 copies each of Jabba and Gardulla are standard issue. Mix in 2 copies each of Watto / Slave Owner and Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug for the hell of it. Battle cards are next, with 2-6 copies of Sniper mandatory. The remainder should probably be a combination of Sandstorm and Opee Sea Killer, and maybe one or two of Boonta Eve Podrace as well. Should be fun, though it covers just about all the Dark characters in the ballpark besides the droids. Two copies of Tatooine: Desert Landing Site is mandatory!

* Tusken Raider / Nomad + Tatooine Thunder Rifle + Sniper + Destiny = 6 on Tatooine is a tidy 15 Power. I can tell you right now that that is probably the best you will do with a Dark non-unique character without any fancy-shmancy Battle cards allowing two or more characters to find together. An awesome, fearsome combination.

* Interestingly enough, if you get a combination like this going, you may want to seriously consider putting it first in your battle plan. Why? Because your opponent will probably be looking to play The Negotiations Were Short with their first character. And short of any armed Jedi, on Tatooine, Power +3 from The Negotiations Were Short will probably not be enough for them to stop you.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Ur, ur ur URGH!

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