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#91 Sith Probe Droid, Spy Drone

Entry: 29 September 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, September 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: A-
The non-unique Sith Probe Droid is the weakest character in the game in terms of base Power. Still, it is pretty economical. Deploying for 1, it has a base Power of 1 and a total of Power +3 in location bonuses. It also has a Damage of 1 and a Destiny of 6, which combined, adds up to a very neat package that does your deck's average Destiny no harm at all.

Decipher: A
Move along, there's nothing to see here. The image is nice, and there is nothing really objectionable about the statistics of the card. And, er... that's about it. The location bonuses are well and fair considering the drones may have been designed for such terrain. There may be an argument that says that this character should have 0 Power, although that is strictly debatable.

Overall Usefulness: B+
The Sith Probe Droid / Spy Drone may look like a non-unique Jawa with a better Destiny. When you first start playing YJCCG, you will probably try to rid your Dark decks of this card and fill them with Podracer Pilots or Battle Droids. But as you gradually become more experienced, you tend to realise that this card is more useful than it appears. Sure, it is the kind of card that can lose you a planet if you draw a couple of them at the start of the game instead of those Sith, but they can also just as easily win you a planet with their outrageous Destiny of 6. But, by the same token, you do need to have the right deck to use the Sith Probe Droid. Deceptively, this is something like an 'expert-level' YJCCG card, if something like that exists.

FLAVOR TEXT: "I will find them quickly, Master." -- Darth Maul



Deploy: 1

Power: 1

Destiny: 6

Damage: 1

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +1
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +1
Tatooine/Podrace Arena: +1


None as yet, and I don't like our chances unless there is a generic 'droid' affecting Battle card in the melting-pot from Decipher.


Sith Probe Droid / Spy Drone is definitely not the kind of must-include Common card that most YJCCG players will have many multiples of in their storage boxes and folders. For a start, the green-dot category is often where the more popular Dark themes are made. Podracing theme decks or Battle Droid theme decks are likely going to exclude Sith Probe Droids in favor of cards that will boost their respective themes. Also, the Sith Probe Droid itself has limited applications. Sure, it has a nice high Destiny, but it also has a mediocre Power and non-existant specific weapon and Battle card support. Yet it is still the kind of card that shows up in the best decks. High Destiny wins games of YJCCG, and when it comes to Destiny, no card is superior to the Sith Probe Droid.


Cloned material is included below...

* The Dark high-Destiny deck. Red will revolve around Neimoidians (Destiny = 5), orange will feature 10 copies of that Blaster Rifle (Destiny = 6). Blue sucks for the Dark side, so Darth Sidious / Sith Master (Destiny = 4) could be the order of the day (not altogether bad!) and green should be owned by the mighty Sith Probe Droid / Spy Drone (Destiny = 6) and perhaps Passel Argente (Destiny = 6). Yellow should contain mostly Opee Sea Killers (Destiny = 4), and also maybe Sandstorm (Destiny = 5). The last category must obviously contain a site from each location, and as many Droid Starfighters (Destiny = 6) as possible. Thar we go. (ar, a Dark high-Destiny deck!)

* The Sith deck? First you will want a nice even split between Maul and Sidious in the red-dot category. Orange cards due for inclusion are the Sith Lightsaber and the trusty Blaster Rifle. Tough. I would settle for 2-4 sabers to 6-8 Blaster Rifles, remembering that you presumably only have 10 Sith in your deck. In terms of Battle cards, go for a combination of Opee Sea Killer, At Last We Will Have Revenge and maybe You Have Been Well Trained, although I wouldn't include more than 2 of each of the latter cards. Green is easy, with 10 Sith Probe Droid / Spy Drones both fitting your theme and providing some useful '6's for Destiny. As for blue, we have problems. Maybe Destroyer Droids, maybe a few copies of Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug and some Battle Droids. I will leave it to you.

* While I have not described it above, another option you can try is a breakthrough style deck, using only cheap to deploy characters. Such decks unfortunately tend not to be effective (through either running out of deck, or simply getting consistently pounded), although with a bit of luck, you can give your opponent a big scare.

* Sith Probe Droid / Spy Drone + Blaster Rifle + Sandstorm + Destiny = 6 on Tatooine = 11 Power. Easily strong enough to knock over an unarmed Jedi. Not bad at all, considering that the three cards listed above have a combined Destiny of 17!

* Style Tip: You don't really need Maul to take care of those Jedi. Finish them off at Tatooine and succeed where your Master failed.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. These probe droids are strangely a lot less cumbersome than the Imperial probe droids that I recall...

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