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#87 Passel Argente, Senator

Entry: 17 September 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, September 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B+
Passel Argente is another one of those cards that is more economical than he appears. Deploying for 2, with a Power of 2, he has a location bonus of Power +2 at Coruscant / Galactic Senate. Okay, you may think, but what really takes the cake is his Destiny of 6. When the Dark version of Coruscant / Galactic Senate is released, expect some cool theme decks based on this guy (and the other senators to come) to be winning tournaments here and there.

Decipher: A-
Pretty good overall. The Power and the Deploy are probably fair, and another very nice image was used for this card. The Destiny is key, and is what makes this a better designed card than, say, the podracing quadruplets. The location bonuses are also negotiated without a hitch --- bonuses at anywhere but Coruscant / Galactic Senate would have been a little bit of a joke (besides perhaps Capital City, but that is *negotiable*). The only thing that lets this card down is the slightly general flavor text: I personally would have preferred a sentence or two description of Passel's background. Still, hopefully the remainder of the senators to come will be of this standard in terms of design.

Overall Usefulness: B
Passel Argente is reasonably useful at the moment, but will become much more useful when future expansions are released. At the moment, the best feature of this character is by far his Destiny of 6. However, there are numerous other Dark characters in the green-dot category with a Destiny of 6 (e.g. Ann and Tann Gella / Sebulba's Assistants, Sith Probe Droid / Spy Drone). If you are looking for high Destiny, the mighty Sith Probe Droid is probably superior, if only because it is non-unique. But not to worry! The release of the Dark version of Coruscant / Galactic Senate and a slew of Dark senators in future expansions (I hope....Decipher??) will reinvent this card, making it infinitely more useful.

FLAVOR TEXT: "Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic." -- Senator Palpatine



Deploy: 2

Power: 2

Destiny: 6

Damage: 2

Power Bonuses:

Coruscant/Jedi Council Chamber: +0
Coruscant/Galactic Senate: +2
Coruscant/Capital City: +0


None as yet. I am hoping for a Battle card enhancing all Senators, though.


Passel Argente is an okay card that you probably won't fully recognise as a useful card until (sigh) the release of the next couple of expansions. His main drawback in gameplay is the fact that he is unique, which means that you will have to ferry him from 'location to location' if you put multiples of him in your deck. Usually you want your unique characters to be powerful in order to compensate for this, but Passel is (ahem) not. For now, you will have to decide whether or not you want to include him based on comparison with cards such as Ann and Tann Gella / Sebulba's Assistants and Sith Probe Droid / Spy Drone. If you want a little bit more base Power, than maybe Passel is the right card to increase the average Destiny of your deck.


How about a reasonably high Destiny deck with no real weaklings? Let's try it out, using the old Force Quotient (FQ, sob) as a guide. For red, Darth Sidious is an automatic inclusion with his FQ of 9. So throw ten copies of him in. Blue is somewhat trickier, and it turns out Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug (FQ = 7) is the best option, with multiple copies of Passel Argente (FQ = 8) the pick of a sorry bunch for the green-dot category. I would encourage the strict usage of Blaster Rifles to maximise that Destiny, and maybe Opee Sea Killer and Da Beings Hereabouts Cawazy for your Battle card supplement. You'll be needing some transports though!


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. We don't even know what world Passel Argente represents in the Galactic Senate. Have Lucasfilm bothered to invent one?

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