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#80 Ben Quadinaros, Podracer Pilot

Entry: 8 September 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, September 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

The text in this review is the same for the most part as #81, #82, and #83 because the cards are identical statistically.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: C+
Ben Quadinaros / Podracer Pilot is something of a unique Battle Droid - not being particularly powerful or wonderful on his own. Deploying for 2, he has a Power of 2, Power +2 in cumulative location bonuses and a Damage of 2. His Destiny of 4 is okay-ish, but weak unique characters are not particularly favourable in any sense. Your deck will likely gain little and lose a lot by including lots of this card in your deck.

Decipher: F
Harumph. No less than four Dark characters have the exact same statistical values as Ben Quadinaros, and this makes me more than a little annoyed. I would have to say the most baffling aspect of the whole situations is *why*? What can be gained from making four characters the same, statistically? Absolutely nothing. What can be gained from making them different? A whole lot. Minute Power differences, Destiny differences, location bonus differences: that is all I'm asking. If I'm playing a Dark Podracing deck, and I have a fistful of these podracer pilots in my hand, I literally feel like I am playing Gin Rummy. Hey, look! Four-of-a-kind! If this keeps up, we might actually be able to play Snap with a full set of YJCCG characters using statistical values.

Overall Usefulness: D-
Ben Quadinaros / Podracer Pilot is not particularly useful. Unless you are building a podracing theme deck, there is no reason to include him for starters. And then, even if you are, you may as well include Gasgano or Teemto Pagalies or Mawhonic insead of him, because all of those characters are equal. The only reason that Ben is not rated an F is because you *may* want to use him if you are hellbent on including all the podracer pilots/podracers you can in your deck. And his podracer is rather nice. (even if it is the same as the other podracers mentioned) Otherwise, scratch another useless card from the list of useful cards in YJCCG. Bah.

FLAVOR TEXT: "Quadinaros is the tallest entrant in the Boonta Eve Podrace." -- Podracing Quarterly



Deploy: 2

Power: 2

Destiny: 4

Damage: 2

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +0
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +0
Tatooine/Podrace Arena +2


Ben Quadinaros' Podracer
[#110, Menace of Darth Maul, Uncommon, Unique, Orange-Dot]
Ben's personalised Podracer gives him a very nice bonus of Power +3 and Destiny ? draw in battle, or a Destiny ? draw to any other Podracer Pilot in battle. It has a fairly average Destiny of 3, though, so you will have to decide if a Blaster Rifle is a better idea than it in your deck. I suppose it depends on how much reliance you are placing on Podracers and their pilots.


Mind the dripping sarcasm here...

Ben Quadinaros / Podracer Pilot is an amusingly cool character who has been tarnished somewhat in YJCCG. Pity the poor mother at Decipher who gave birth to quadruplets (Ben Quadinaros, Gasgano, Teemto Pagalies and Mawhonic) and found (with some degree of horror) that they were all of different species. Even curiouser, was that, despite their differing alien physiologies, they were equally as good (and bad) as each other in all qualities. Further, when they grew to be adults, they all built *identical* podracers and raced them against each other. In the Boonta Eve Podrace, for some reason though, they all suffered different fates and performed much differently to each other. Could they be actually different? Who would have thought? I mean, they don't *appear* they? [sigh]


* First the Podracing theme, one of the easiest and most fun Dark themes you can build in YJCCG. Take 10 (or as many as you have) copies of Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug, and 2-3 copies of his Podracer. Garnish with a selection of other Podracers from the green-dot category, such as Gasgano / Podracer Pilot and Teemto Nagalies / Podracer Pilot, and their personalised podracers too. Obviously the main problem with this deck is matching up the pilots with their Podracers, and I would suggest keeping it to 3 different pilots if you can't stand this. But it is more fun to have them all in! Throw in 2-3 of Ben Quadinaros/ Podracer Pilot and Mawhonic / Podracer Pilot as well. Obviously you will still want 2-4 Blaster Rifles in your deck, and probably 2-6 copies of Grueling Contest, combined with the mandatory 4-8 copies of Opee Sea Killer. Grueling Contest is more fun, though! Pit Droids and Ann and Tann Gella can be included also, but can only be included at the expense of more Podracer Pilots, who are more useful and more fun. (Could be funner though....grumble, grumble.....) Will be cooler and more effective when the Dark version of Tatooine / Podrace Arena is released.

* Ben Quadinaros / Podracer Pilot + Ben Quadinaros' Podracer + Destiny: 6 + Opee Sea Killer at Tatooine / Podrace Arena nets you a total Power of 16. No blowing up at the start of the race this time round.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. This card has the most ridiculous flavor text since I can't remember when. I suppose we could have: "Mace Windu has bigger feet than any other Jedi on the Jedi Council." Or how about: "Obi-Wan Kenobi has blue eyes and wears clothes."

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