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#78 Destroyer Droid Squad, Security Division

Entry: 5 September 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, September 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B+
The Destroyer Droid Squad / Security Division is quite an economical card, deploying for 4, and with a base Power of 5. It has a total of Power +3 in location bonuses and a Damage of 4. The Destroyer Droid Squad's Destiny of 2 serves to further compound the fact that it is certainly no Aurra Sing, although it is still a generally economical card.

Decipher: C+
A few complaints to note here. Firstly, while I like the idea of a Destroyer Droid Squad, this card is simply not powerful enough. Let's face it: your average Destroyer Droid has a base Power of 3, yet an entire squad has a Power of 5. I am not sure if that works. Further, the location bonuses are a bit dubious. I suppose it is arguable that this particular Destroyer Droid Squad is custom-built for the terrain, but if so, the card's subtitle should have referred to the site. If not, the location bonuses should have been combined in the card's base Power. Even if this card had a higher base Power than say, Darth Maul, this could be compensated for in other ways (e.g. high Damage/low Destiny/high Deploy)

Overall Usefulness: B-
It is slightly unfortunate, but you only have to look at Aurra Sing / Bounty Hunter to see why this card is not all that useful. In all possible categories, Aurra Sing is an equal or superior card statistically than the Destroyer Droid Squad / Security Division. One redeeming feature that saves this card from being rated a C for usefulness is the nifty Battle card and Weapon card support available to Destroyer Droids in general. At least there is a nice opportunity here to build a nice Destroyer Droid theme, but otherwise, you would be foolish not to include Aurra Sing instead of this card.

FLAVOR TEXT: "I want destroyer droids up here at once!" -- Nute Gunray



Deploy: 4

Power: 5

Destiny: 2

Damage: 4

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +1
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +1
Tatooine/Podrace Arena +1


Multi Troop Transport
[#115, Menace of Darth Maul, Uncommon, Orange-Dot]
This Battle card gives any Destroyer Droid Power +2 and a Destiny ? draw in battle, or a Destiny ? draw to any Battle Droid in battle. This card not only works with your Destroyer Droid Squads, but works well in a Droid theme for the Dark side, with eligible characters in all the requisite dot-colors. Shame about the slightly expensive Deploy (2), and the unappealing Destiny of 1, though.


Destroyer Droid Squad / Security Division is a card that is unfortunately shrouded in the infinitely long shadow of Aurra Sing / Bounty Hunter. Quite simply, if you are trying to build an effective deck, and are not looking for a specific droid theme, Aurra Sing is an better card to have in your deck than the Destroyer Droid Squad. But let's suppose you are building a destroyer droid/battle droid theme. In that case, the Destroyer Droid Squad is certainly useful, even considering the fact that there is already a red-dot Destroyer Droid available (#89 Destroyer Droid / Wheel Droid). Arguably, if you don't have that many Destroyer Droid Squads, then the Destroyer Droid / Wheel Droid is preferable anyway in such a deck because of it's non-uniqueness (don't worry about those transports, and throw in Begin Landing Your Troops). It is a bit of a shame, as mentioned earlier, that this card isn't that tinsy bit more effective.


* The combined Destroyer Droid / Battle Droid theme is a good one, covering all the relevant dot-colors with different characters to spare. Red is usually a pain in the neck for non-unique character-based themes, but this one is a snap. Let's mix in 6 copies of the Destroyer Droid Squad / Security Division and 4 copies of the Destroyer Droid / Wheel Droid. The blue category is also hassle-free, with 5 copies of Destroyer Droid/Defense Droid and 5 copies of Battle Droid: Infantry / MTT Divison thrown into the mix, the latter to help us out at our chosen Tatooine site, the Desert Landing Site. The remaining character category, green-dot, is also easily allocated, with 10 copies of Battle Droid: Infantry / AAT Division. The weapons category is a little tricky, due to the low Destiny of Multi Troop Transport. Let's include 3 copies each of Battle Droid Blaster Rifle and Multi Troop Transport, along with 4 copies guessed it....Blaster Rifle. Finally, yellow, we can settle for 3 copies of In Complete Control, 2 copies of Begin Landing Your Troops, 1 copy of The Invasion Is On Schedule and 4 copies of Opee Sea Killer. For purple I would advise trying to avoid the transports altogether, and grab those Droid Starfighters to help out the deck's currently ailing Average Destiny. You may also want to try putting two copies of Tatooine/Desert Landing Site in to take full advantage of those location bonuses from the Battle Droids we included. Have fun!

* Destroyer Droid Squad / Security Division + Multi Troop Transport + Opee Sea Killer on Tatooine = 11 Power + Destiny. Just remember that the first two cards of this combination have a combined Destiny of 3, though!

* Style Tip: Finish off the Queen and her Royal Guard at Naboo / Theed Palace. We'll show her decoys.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Most Star Wars material I can get my hands on refers to these Destroyer Droids as Droidekas. I wonder why Decipher didn't use that term?

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