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#77 Gardulla the Hutt, Crime Lord

Entry: 1 September 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, September 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B-
Gardulla the Hutt deploys for 2 and has Power 3, which is a nice start. She has a cumulative total Power +3 in location bonuses, with both Destiny and Damage equal to 2. The Damage of 2 is okay, but the Destiny of 2 is pretty unfavorable. Is the low Destiny worth the Power of 3 and cheap deploy? I am not sure, but I don't think so.

Decipher: A-
Pretty nice overall. The image is good, and the Power and deploy seem fair enough. So what do I think is slightly off on this card? The location bonuses. While Decipher seem to like the idea of giving location bonuses out uniformly (e.g. a bonus at one location = bonuses at all location on that planet), I think the game mechanic would work better and be more strategically valuable if they were not so uniform. Certainly Gardulla the Hutt could probably lose the location bonus at Tatooine/Desert Landing Site. Hence the imperfect rating. But only just imperfect!

Overall Usefulness: B-
Unfortunately, Gardulla the Hutt really isn't all that useful. I mean, look at your blue-dot options: Sebulba, Jabba, Gardulla, and pretty much a host of droids. Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug is probably the pick of the bunch if you are staying away from the droids, and Jabba has a secure hold over second position. The only real reason you would Gardulla instead of these two cards is for the Vile Gangsters/Boonta Eve Podrace Battle Card combinations. But these combinations are very limited due to the fact that Jabba the Hutt / Vile Crime Lord and Gardulla the Hutt / Crime Lord are both blue-dot. So Gardulla is an okay card, who is unfortunately surrounded by many similar characters with slightly better attributes.

FLAVOR TEXT: "Would you like to discuss this with the Hutts? I'm sure they can settle this." -- Qui-Gon



Deploy: 2

Power: 3

Destiny: 2

Damage: 2

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +1
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +1
Tatooine/Podrace Arena +1


Some text below has been siphoned off from the previous entry.

Boonta Eve Podrace
[#123, Menace of Darth Maul, Uncommon, Yellow-Dot]
This very cool Battle card gives Power +2 to either Jabba the Hutt, Gardulla the Hutt or Fode and Beed in battle. With a Destiny of 6 this will help compensate for Gardulla's low Destiny, and is a must include in any deck using Gardulla. Probably one of my favorite Battle cards in the game.

Vile Gangsters
[#132, Menace of Darth Maul, Uncommon, Yellow-Dot]
Vile Gangsters allows Jabba and Gardulla to fight together in battle, adding Power +4 to their combined total. This would be a supercool combination if it wasn't for the fact that both Jabba the Hutt / Vile Crime Lord and Gardulla the Hutt / Crime Lord were blue-dot. A bit of a shame, but maybe you can still get it working: but you'll have to pretty much split the category between them.


Gardulla the Hutt is not as effective as she appears. Having Power greater than deploy does not make a character automatically a better card than a character with Power less than or equal to deploy, for a multitude of reasons. Usually, when a character has low Destiny, it means that he or she is powerful in play. (e.g. Qui-Gon Jinn / Jedi Master, Mace Windu / Jedi Master, Darth Maul / Sith Apprentice, etc, etc) But this is not the case with Gardulla, who has a base Power of only 3. Sure, you can deploy three of her in a turn, but each of those can be slain by a Royal Guard at the right location, or drawn as Destiny at an (extremely) inopportune time. Gardulla is more fun than effective.


WARNING: Contains material which may cause readers to experience a sense of deja vu...

* A bad girls theme! Aurra Sing / Bounty Hunter for red, Ann and Tann Gella / Sebulbas Assistants for green, and Gardulla the Hutt for blue. Ten copies each of those supposing you have them, along with a healthy quota of Blaster Rifles and Aurra Sing's personalised Blaster Rifle. Probably a fairly effective theme to boot. And fun.

* A Hutt deck, straight from the streets of Nal Hutta? First, for blue, we'll need 5 copies each of Jabba the Hutt / Vile Crime Lord and Gardulla the Hutt / Crime Lord. Hire some henchmen (women?) for red, using Aurra Sing / Bounty Hunter, 10 copies if you can, mixed with Gragra / Chuba Peddler if you can't. Orange sorts it's self out, with 10 copies of the Blaster Rifle mandatory, unless you wouldn't mind a couple of Aurra Sing's Blaster Rifle (and who wouldn't?). The green-dot category is presided over by Bib Fortuna / Twi'lek Advisor, to enhance the combinations we can use with Jabba. Finally, the Battle card mix. Tough, though for once this is because we have so many to choose from! I'd settle for 1-3 copies of Vile Gangsters (probably 1), 2-4 copies of Boonta Eve Podrace, and 1-3 copies of Kaa Bazza Kundee Hodrudda! If there are any slots guessed it... plug them up with Opee Sea Killer. Not a lot different from the Jabba deck mentioned in the previous entry, but the Battle card mix will obviously have to be re-planned to allow for the additional copies of Gardulla being used.

* Gardulla the Hutt / Crime Lord has a very nasty Force Quotient (FQ) of 5. The second lowest currently possible and the same as Boss Nass / Leader of the Gungans, his evil twin Rep Been, Jabba the Hutt / Vile Crime Lord and a host of crummy non-unique characters.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. We have Jabba and Gardulla, and I am still waiting patiently for Pizza. I refer to, of course, the Hut as featured in a certain parody of Star Wars starring Rick Moranis and John Candy...

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