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#73 Sebulba, Bad Tempered Dug

Entry: 25 August 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, August 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B+
Sebulba, Bad Tempered Dug is fairly economical. He has a base Power of 4 for Deploy 4, and a total of Power +3 in cumulative location bonuses. Add to that an *okay* Destiny and a nicely economical Damage of 2 and you have a nice package deal. The Damage is probably the most striking feature of this card: 2 Damage to 4 Power is a nice ratio to have in that regard. You can *almost* send Sebulbas into battle with reckless abandon.

Decipher: B-
I am peeved with the image used with this card, which seems to me to be a bit silly. If Sebulba's subtitle has been consciously written as 'Bad Tempered Dug' so that a Sebulba, Podracer Pilot variant can be released later, (which I believe to be the case) then why do we have an image of Sebulba in his podracer? What about the flavor text then??? Surely the real gist of this card is the Mos Espa scene where Sebulba gets angry at Jar Jar, not podracing at all! The low location bonus at Tatooine / Podrace Arena even confirms this! Otherwise (phew), I have no real complaints (Tatooine/Desert Landing Site location bonus of Power +1 is a bit iffy, but excusable). It is a nice idea for a variant, flawed in execution.

Overall Usefulness: B+
It seems to me at least that around a base Power of 4 is the optimum Power in YJCCG. Not too weak, not overly expensive to deploy, and with a good Power-Damage ratio. Sebulba, Bad Tempered Dug is quite a useful card, although his usefulness is somewhat limited by the pre-existing Dark strength on Tatooine. In the same dot-color category, Dark has Watto / Slave Owner, Jabba the Hutt / Vile Crime Lord, Gardulla the Hutt / Crime Lord, Destroyer Droids and Battle Droids to choose from, for starters. Which of the previous you will include in your deck depends on your theme: but Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug will certainly be the first choice in a Podracing theme until Sebulba / Podracer Pilot is released. It is only a matter of time, you know.

FLAVOR TEXT: "Neek me chawa, wermo, mo killee ma klounkee!" -- Sebulba, Podracer pilot



Deploy: 4

Power: 4

Destiny: 3

Damage: 2

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +1
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +1
Tatooine/Podrace Arena +1


Sebulba's Podracer
[#109, Menace of Darth Maul, Rare, Orange-Dot]
Sebulba's personalised Pod gives him Power +3 and a Destiny ? draw in battle, or a Destiny ? draw to any other Podracer Pilot. A cheap deploy of one is nice, although the low Destiny of 2 is a bit yuck. Still, this is the card to use if you want to lay down the law on Tatooine, although I suspect the inevitble release of Sebulba / Podracer Pilot will result in a better combination with this podracer.

Grueling Contest
[#124, Menace of Darth Maul, Uncommon, Yellow-Dot]
Not really super-specific, this Battle card gives any Podracer Pilot or any Pit Droid a Power bonus of +2 in battle. Not bad, and the backbone of any Podracing theme deck, as we will see shortly. An effective balance between this card and Opee Sea Killer is needed in any good podracing deck.

Podrace Preparation
[#128, Menace of Darth Maul, Uncommon, Yellow-Dot]
The Battle card provides allows Sebulba and Ann and Tann Gella to fight together in battle, providing a Power bonus of +2 to their cumulative total. This card is unique in that it provides a use for Ann and Tann Gella, which is very nearly a useless card. Still, if you are not that keen on a podracing theme, maybe you can try a Sebulba/Ann and Tann Gella theme: it will be difficult to work both effectively due to Ann and Tann Gella being green-dot, the same as the majority of your Dark Podracing minions. D'oh!


It is interesting that this is the only main character from Episode I who has not been provided in his/her main 'role'. By that I mean we have Anakin Skywalker / Podracer Pilot, but not Anakin Skywalker / Jedi Padawan; Darth Maul / Sith Apprentice and not Darth Maul / Daisy-Picker, and you get the main idea. I am assuming that the door has been left *wide* open with Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug in order to be able to present a Sebulba / Podracer Pilot variant (?) later that will likely be more powerful and useful than this variant. One can certainly understand this from a businessy perspective: think SWCCG Premiere and no Chewbacca, STCCG DS9 and no U.S.S. Defiant. This is the way it has to be, or future expansions will be full of Jawa variants and unique Pit-Droids. In terms of the card itself, it is quite useful, but it will be interesting to see if and how the presumably inevitable Sebulba-Podracing variant is more useful/fun/effective than this version. We await the coming expansions with bated breath. (Though on Decipher's recent form, not held breath.) :)


* Because we have two strong deck ideas to look at for Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug, I'll do each fairly briefly. First the Podracing theme, one of the easiest and most fun Dark themes you can build in YJCCG. Take 10 (or as many as you have) copies of Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug, and 2-3 copies of his Podracer. Garnish with a selection of other Podracers from the green-dot category, such as Gasgano / Podracer Pilot and Teemto Nagalies / Podracer Pilot, and their personalised podracers too. Obviously the main problem with this deck is matching up the pilots with their Podracers, and I would suggest keeping it to 3 different pilots if you can't stand this. But it is more fun to have them all in! Obviously you will still want 2-4 Blaster Rifles in your deck, and probably 2-6 copies of Grueling Contest, combined with the mandatory 4-8 copies of Opee Sea Killer. Grueling Contest is more fun, though! Pit Droids and Ann and Tann Gella can be included also, but can only be included at the expense of more Podracer Pilots, who are more useful and more fun.

* Okay, what about the Sebulba / Ann and Tann Gella combination? As many copies as you can each of Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug and Ann and Tann Gella / Sebulba's Attendants, and you are half way there. With the green and blue categories done, we still have to worry about red. Aurra Sing / Bounty Hunter is always a hit, and a couple of Sith probably wouldn't hurt your cause either. In terms of Battle cards, you will want 2-4 copies of Podrace Preparations, maybe 1-2 of Gruelling Contest and the remainder can be eaten up by Opee Sea Killers. Weaponry is strictly a combination of Sebulba's Podracer and the good old Blaster Rifle, maybe 2-4 of the former and 6-8 of the latter.

* Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug + Ann and Tann Gella / Sebulba's Attendants + Podrace Preparations + Sebulba's Podracer on Tatooine: 12 Power + Destiny. Should be enough to shake Anakin Skywalker, just hope for a poor Destiny draw if the little twerp is on his Podracer.

* Thought: Obviously the Dark Podracing theme will be greatly more effective (or at least cooler) when future expansions are released. Why? Dark version of Tatooine / Podrace Arena, Fode and Beed, Spectators, Sebulba / Podracer Pilot and even more Dark Podracers are possibly coming our way. More Sebulba-themed Battle cards are also a distinct possibility.

* The Force Quotient (FQ) of Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug is 7. Not bad, the same as Destroyer Droid Squad / Security Division and Bib Fortuna / Twilek Advisor, among others.

* Style tip: You know you have to bury Anakin at Tatooine / Podrace Arena, don't you? We'll see who the real sleemo is around here.

* Other style tips:

- Fix Jar Jar's problem this time around.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Whoever has the Sebulbasaur tag on Decipher's BBS is a legend. My tag pales in signficance and coolness compared to Sebulbasaur.

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