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#70 Republic Cruiser, Transport
#140 Battleship, Trade Federation Transport

Entry: 20 August 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, August 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

Another double entry. The cards are the same, and there are not really any unique applications of each in terms of Light and Dark, so....when I refer to one, I mean the other as well.



Destiny: 2

Power: 5

Damage: 5

Flavor Text (Republic Cruiser / Transport) : "A Republic Cruiser! That's trouble, don't you think?" -- EG-9

Flavor Text: (Battleship / Trade Federation Transport) : The wealthy Trade Federation enforces its heavy-handed policies with an armada.


Should the transports have higher Power? Or be allowed to have pilots, or something? Possibly. Republic Cruiser / Transport is currently the only Light transport available (and Battleship / Trade Federation Transport the only Dark), and should be a lot more useful than it is. A fairly miserable Destiny of 2, a much better tha 50% chance that it will be blown into bits of space junk, and a pretty high Damage of 5. Unless you really, really need to rescue those characters from that planet you just won or conceded, you probably don't want to airlift those guys out of there. A card you will probably have to include in your deck (somewhere) 'just in case', but not something you want to use several of unless you are forced too by the type of characters you are using.


* What can you do? There are, as far as I can tell, three occasions on which you might want to go on a rescue mission with the Republic Cruiser / Transport:

1) You are running out of deck.
2) You have unique characters in your hand that you can't deploy because you have some at locations in play.
3) You want to lose a card from your hand. Now.

Otherwise, don't do it. You stand a nice chance of incurring some Damage. In terms of how many you should include in your deck, it depends almost totally on how many unique characters you are using. If you are using few or no unique characters, you might even want to try using no transports in your deck. More of those high-Destiny starfighters please! On the other hand, 3-4 is probably the maximum you would want. Especially with that ugly Destiny of 2.

Quibble: Why is a Battleship the same strength as a Republic Cruiser? Battleship, right??


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Was there a *Light* Republic in Episode I? Refresh my memory, someone???

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