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#62 The Queen's Plan

Entry: 12 August 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, August 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: C+
In terms of economy, this card at first does not appear any better than Gungan Curiosity. The Queen's Plan allows a combined three copies of non-unique Royal Guards, non-unique Naboo Security or non-unique Bravo Pilots to fight together. Similar to Gungan Curiosity, except it works for less cards right? (currently the Queen's Plan can be used with a total of four different cards, Gungan Curiosity with a total of 5 different cards). The difference? The characters usable with The Queen's Plan have neat Battle card support, and also receive location bonuses from both Tatooine and Naboo. A Destiny of 4 is pretty much Battle card standard.

Decipher: A
I was very tempted to give this card an A+ in this category, just because it is such a uniquely cool card. There are not many cards in the game which specifically support non-unique characters, let alone cards which support combinations of them, whilst staying fairly close to the film as well. Whosever idea this card was definitely deserves a raise, in my opinion. The only quibble is that the plan does not involve the Queen or the handmaidens as well. A minor quibble, and probably a necessary one. (e.g. there *is* limited room for game text on the card)

Overall Usefulness: C+
Well, not the most universally useful card going around. Obviously, if you want to use this card, you will have to be including a fair few copies of Royal Guard / Leader, Royal Guard / Veteran, Bravo Pilot / Veteran Flyer and/or Naboo Security / Guard. You do need three of them in play, which I have mentioned before, is not that easy. Honestly, this is more of a cool card than a real effective one. You can build a truly infinitely cool theme based on this card, just remember that fun is what YJCCG is all about.



Destiny: 4

Game Text:
Use with any three non-unique Royal Guards, non-unique Naboo Security and/or non-unique Bravo Pilots. They fight together.

Flavor Text: "A well conceived plan." --- Qui-Gon Jinn


So you will need three cumulative copies of any of the following cards: (e.g. a Royal Guard/Veteran, and Naboo Security / Guard x2)

Royal Guard, Leader
(#31, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Blue-Dot)


Royal Guard, Veteran
(#32, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Green-Dot)


Naboo Security, Guard
(#20, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Green-Dot)


Bravo Pilot, Veteran Flyer
(#21, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Blue-Dot)

If you are looking for 10 copies in both the green and blue categories, I would suggest you settle for Royal Guard / Veteran x10 and Bravo Pilot / Veteran Flyer x10. Think about it: your Dark opponent will probably not be heading for Naboo unless they are forced to, and will like the idea of dropping a Tatooine / Desert Landing Site whenever they get the opportunity. This will fall right to your advantage. While Naboo Security / Guard and Royal Guard / Leader are far from poor cards, they are not well-suited to your needs. You really need some location bonuses at Naboo somewhere (the pilots) and Naboo Security / Guard is not really worth including until the Light version of Naboo / Gungan Swamp is released. But....I'll talk about a full theme later.


There is a certain parallel that can be drawn between The Queen's Plan and I Have A Bad Feeling About This, in that both are far cooler than they are effective. But, both are still more than worth building a deck theme around. The cool thing is, using non-unique Royal Guards, Naboo Security and Bravo Pilots in your deck, you also are able to use cards like Security Volunteers and Naboo Blaster, which enable you to centralise your theme still further. I am waiting rather patiently for a red-dot version of Queen Amidala (c'mon, 10 or so dresses and 6 dot-colors - you do the math) in order to make my Queen's Plan theme deck even more focused. And it is probably a foregone conclusion that more non-unique Royal Guards, Naboo Security and Bravo Pilots will come our way in future expansions. Bwah-hah-hah!


* If you decide to use Bravo Pilot / Veteran Flyer x10 and Royal Guard / Veteran x10 as described earlier, you still have the red-dot category to deal with. If you want to stay close to the theme, try a few copies each of Qui-Gon Jinn / Jedi Master and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Young Jedi, together with Ishi Tib / Warriors. Alternatively, settle for Ishi Tib / Warrior x10. For your Battle card support, try 2-5 of The Queen's Plan (probably something like 3), a couple of copies of Security Volunteers and the remainder filled out by The Negotiations Were Short. Orange can be halved between Blaster Rifles and Naboo Blasters, with maybe a couple of lightsabers for your Jedi. Harumph. If only we could fit the Queen in.

* Style Tip: Smash up some Destroyer Droids and Battle Droids in Naboo / Theed Palace using the Queen's Plan combo. Roger roger that.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Anyone see that Alice in Wonderland mini-series that was on sometime or another? Off-with-her HEEEAAD!!!!! I can't remember that woman's name...[consults video ] Miranda Richardson!!

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