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#46 Blaster Rifle AND
#120 Blaster Rifle

Entry: 29 July 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, July 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

Seeing the Light and Dark versions of Blaster Rifle are identical...

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: A+
What can I say? This is one of the top two most economical cards in the game. Every deck is probably falling behind a bit if it does not use any Blaster Rifles. For a Deploy of 1 you get a weapon that supplies a Destiny ? draw Power bonus to any character, and also has a Destiny of 6. It does not get any better than this in YJCCG in terms of economy.

Decipher: F
Well, yuck. I really don't *want* to use any Blaster Rifle in my deck. If this is Star Wars, I'll be packing Blasters and Lightsabers thankyou (and maybe Battle Droid Blaster Rifles for my Dark droids). But the Blaster Rifle? The standard issue, ugly, no-frills brand weapon? No thanks. What Decipher have done with this weapon is unfortunately equivalent to giving a character that featured for a microsecond in the movie a Power of 10 and a Destiny of 6. I know artistic license is required, and that maybe Decipher wanted a nice common, powerful weapon. What about the Blaster? Why the Blaster Rifle? Who knows.

Overall Usefulness: A+
Probably one of the two most useful cards in the game (piqued your interest yet?). Quite simply, it does not matter what theme of deck you are playing, if you want your deck to be in some way competitive you are going to have to slap some Blaster Rifles in there. They are just the best weapon cards in the game, and laugh in the face of Lightsabers any day of the week. I know a lot of people are addicted to those wonderful pretty sabers, but come on! Sit down and compare the Blaster Rifle with one of the lightsabers! Or don't. Next tournament,some 6-year-old will roll you with his high-destiny deck. There ain't no beatin' a Blaster Rifle.


Deploy: 1

Destiny: 6

Game Text:
Adds ? to any character in battle. (Destiny ? draw)

Light Flavor Text: Although more expensive than blaster pistols, blaster rifles have greater range and accuracy.

Dark Flavor Text: In the hands of a skilled marksman, a blaster rifle can be almost as deadly as a lightsaber.


Everyone and anyone and everyone and any...


Ah, the Blaster Rifle. When I am deck-building, and my Destiny Average is inevitably increased dramatically by that wonderful weapon, I smile and am glad I have plenty of them. Then, I take a step back and consider what kind of deck I am building, in terms of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. And I am somewhat annoyed. I think about all those cool lightsaber duels, and decide to throw a few sabers in my deck. But what's this? Sabers provide a marginally better Power increase for their user, but can only be used by a handful of characters??? Sabers have a pathetic Destiny that, when combined with my Jedi, means that I will probably wind packing it at the hands of a seriously pumped Droid?!?!? I change my mind. More Blaster Rifles, more Blaster Rifles. When I finally finish and go to sleep, I dream of the next expansion. Green-dot and red-dot Blaster Rifles! I can soon build a whole deck from them!!!

(I apologise for the above venomous sarcasm. They are a pretty handy card, you know.)


* The High Destiny deck? Let's take it from the top, firstly for Light. Red has Jawa / Bargainer (Destiny = 5), so in they go. Orange has the ever effective Blaster Rifle (Destiny = 6), and blue has Yoda / Jedi Master (Destiny = 5, not bad at all...). So ten copies each of them. Yellow is a bit of a bother, but a combination of The Negotiations Were Short (Destiny =4) and Da Beings Hereabouts Cawazy (Destiny = 5) should go down a treat. For green, a mixture of the versions of Queen Amidala and R2-D2 / Astromech Droid (all Destiny = 6) is just fine. For purple, we will need the appropriate sites, and as many Naboo Starfighters (Destiny = 6) as we can safely stuff in, maybe with a couple of Republic Cruisers.There you go. I think you'll find that the deck described above has quite a nice Average Destiny. You might even want to sneak a couple of Anakin Skywalker / Podracer Pilots in.

* The Dark high-Destiny deck. Red will revolve around Neimoidians (Destiny = 5), orange will feature 10 copies of that Blaster Rifle (Destiny = 6). Blue sucks for the Dark side, so Darth Sidious / Sith Master (Destiny = 4) could be the order of the day (not altogether bad!) and green should be owned by the mighty Sith Probe Droid / Spy Drone (Destiny = 6) and perhaps Passel Argente (Destiny = 6). Yellow should contain mostly Opee Sea Killers (Destiny = 4), and also maybe Sandstorm (Destiny = 5). The last category must obviously contain a site from each location, and as many Droid Starfighters (Destiny = 6) as possible. Thar we go. (ar, a Dark high-Destiny deck!)

* Style Tip: In a protest, don't use this card in your tournament decks. Promptly lose all of your games (except for the one against that kid that dribbles a lot).


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. I liked the SWCCG Blaster Rifles better. Except when I draw a YJCCG Blaster Rifle as Destiny!!!

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