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#41 Kaadu

Entry: 28 July 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, July 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: A-
Maybe I am deluded, but I feel that the Kaadu is far more economical than the Electropoles. It gives any Gungan Power +1 and a Destiny ? draw in battle, but does not cater for non-Gungans. It has a better Destiny than the universal Electropole (4 versus 3) and is cheap to Deploy (free). The most economical Gungan weapon card.

Decipher: A
Perfect. The image is nice, and everything seems in order. This is one of those rare times when Decipher have made both an innovative card in terms of stats and features and also made it tie fairly accurately into the film. Even the flavor text makes sense and is relevant. This is a CCG miracle, people.

Overall Usefulness: B
The Kaadu is, from my point of view, the most useful Gungan weapon card. While it only caters for Gungan characters in terms of Power bonuses, the okay Destiny and free Deploy make this cool. I can deploy two non-unique Gungans and two Kaadus on the same turn, leaving my opponent shivering in fear. Obviously, it is a card for usage only in Gungan-themed decks, because of how specific it is. That is why this card only gets a B; otherwise it would probably get something closer to an A.

FLAVOR TEXT: Swift, agile, powerful and loyal, kaadus are beloved by their Gungan masters.



Deploy: Free

Destiny: 4

Game Text:
Adds o? to any Gungan in battle. (Power +1 AND Destiny ? draw)


Contains similar text to the Electropole card entries.

In terms of the non-unique Gungans, let me just say that Gungan Infantry / Warrior is currently your best bet due to the limited sites now available. For instance, at Naboo/Theed Palace, a Gungan Infantry / Warrior riding a Kaadu will have an effective Power of 5 + Destiny, which is pretty nice, really. Obviously when the rest of the sites are released, the other Gungans will become just as effective in general play as Gungan Infantry / Warrior, it just depends on what site you select to mount your attack on. While drawing a Kaadu and a bunch of Royal Guards in your first hand isn't going to make your day, drawing a Kaadu and Jar Jar Binks or Boss Nass will. Just remember to include as many Gungans as you can. And pray every night for a red-dot Gungan character.


The Kaadu is a nice Gungan-themed weapon card that I believe should be present in every well-constructed Gungan deck. Versatile, economical, and inexpensive, this card is integral to the Gungan theme. You will *not* want to use this card otherwise. It does not allow for non-Gungan characters, which is how it should be, so this is another card that you shouldn't whack in your deck unless it is already packed with Gungan characters. I must admit a strong unholy like for this card, and my fun decks are usually stacked with 10 Kaadus. But that is another story. See The Deck Theme Dictionary for just such a fun deck.


* While Destiny is not such a problem when using the Kaadu (a Destiny of 4 is okay-ish), you will still want to probably have a few Blaster Rifles in that Gungan deck. Why? Because presently you must include non-Gungans in your deck somewhere (due to the lack of any red-dot Gungans). I would suggest still around 3-5 Blaster Rifles in your Gungan deck, because Destiny, let's face it, is all important. It is your Destiny, as Anakin might say, in the future.

* Three universal Gungans plus three Kaadu deployed in one turn equals probably somethig like 9 Power + 3 Destiny ? draws, even better on Naboo. I'll teach you to say 'Roger-roger'!

Whinge: The Gungan in the image is carrying an Electropole and riding a Kaadu. Why can't my Gungans do that?


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Who else thinks that Kaadu should be like Sheep, in terms of the plural? Kaadus sounds wrong, and Kaadu for a plural sounds better. Am I going insane?

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