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#32 Royal Guard, Veteran

Entry: 21 July 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, July 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B
Royal Guard / Veteran is not as economical as Royal Guard/Leader. For Deploy 2 you get a universal character with Power 2, a location bonus of Power +2 at Tatooine/Desert Landing Site, and Damage 1. The card also has a Destiny of 3, which does not really set the house on fire at all. Again, will be more useful when the Light version of Tatooine/Desert Landing Site is released.

Decipher: A-
This card is pretty good overall. Although there were no Royal Guards at the Desert Landing Site, it is not impossible to imagine a veteran being more effective than other cards at a 'battleground'. The Power, Deploy and Damage are fair as well. The only quibble I have with this card is that the image is not great.

Overall Usefulness: B
Actually more useful than it seems. If you are not planning on going to Tatooine in your target locations, then you will likely go to Tatooine /Desert Landing Site by your opponent's choice. You probably don't want too much of this card in your deck however, due to the low Destiny. But okay, and will become more useful when the other sites are released.

FLAVOR TEXT: The Queen's volunteer forces stood guard by her on Tatooine.



Deploy: 2

Power: 2

Destiny: 3

Damage: 1

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +0
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +2
Tatooine/Podrace Arena: +0


The below text is the same as in the previous entry, #31 Royal Guard / Leader.

Naboo Blaster
(#44, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Orange-Dot)
- This universal weapon gives a Power bonus of +2 and a Destiny ? draw to any universal Royal Guard, Bravo Pilot or Naboo Security, or a Destiny draw to any other character. A nice card for a theme deck, though it would be even nicer was a bit higher (Destiny = 3).

Security Volunteers
(#58, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Yellow-Dot)
- This Battle card gives a Power bonus of +2 to any universal Royal Guard in battle. You will have to work out the proper balance of versatility versus economy when working our how many copies of this card you want in your deck (especially with 'The Negotiations Were Short' also available).

The Queen's Plan
(#62, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Yellow-Dot)
- This Battle card allows any three of the universal Royal Guards, Naboo Security and or Bravo Pilots to fight together in battle. While versatile and nice for a theme deck, you will have to judge just how likely it is that (a) you will have the right cards out and (b) you will need that much Power.


Royal Guard / Veteran currently can be quite effective in a 'spoiler' strategy: most Dark decks will want to get to the Desert Landing Site at some point, and this card should allow you to be ready for them. Presently however, for an offensive strategy, you will likely settle for Royal Guard / Leader. (its a no-brainer --- that card has Power +2 at a usable site (Tatooine/Podrace Arena) and a higher Destiny). There are some opportunities for theme decks however, which is always nice.


More repeats from last entry. Oh well.

* Your standard Queen's Plan deck? Mix in copies of Bravo Pilot / Veteran Flyer, Naboo Security / Guard and Royal Guards. Depending on what mix of cards you settle for, you will likely want to include The Queen's Plan (der), The Negotiations Were Short and Security Volunteers in your Battle card selection. For weapons, a mix of Naboo Blasters and Blaster Rifles is the way to go. I think you should stick with all universal characters, even for your red-dot category. That way you can include 7 Naboo Starfighters in your purple-dot category, which has a Destiny of 6. Ithorians or Ishi Tibs for red-dot? I am not sure - try a half-half selection: while Ishi Tibs are superior in play, Ithorians are a nicer Destiny draw.

* Protect the Queen! For this theme, you will obviously need the various versions of Queen Amidala, say three of each, for the green-dot category, and also four Royal Guard / Veterans. Next, for the blue-dot category, you will need a few copies of Captain Panaka / Protector of the Queen, and the rest of that category packed with Royal Guard / Leaders. Yellow should be full of Security Volunteers, The Negotiations Were Short and Enough of this Pretense, orange should have Captain Panaka's Blaster, Blaster Rifles and maybe Naboo Blasters. As for red, go the Jedi!

* The Force Quotient (FQ, like IQ) of Royal Guard / Veteran is 5. The same as Jawa / Thief, Boss Nass / Leader of the Gungans, Rep Been / Gungan, ans several others. The second worst FQ in the game.

* Style tips:

- Another cross-CCG deck, although currently impossible. Think Royal Guards. Think Episode I, Return of the Jedi, and Magic: The Gathering. I really hated those Light and Dark Guards in Premiere SWCCG, anyone agree?

- Obviously, don't let the Queen die. And play God Save The Queen on your walkman at tournaments. If they let you.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Wouldn't a leader also be a veteran?

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