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#19 Naboo Officer, Battle Planner ---------------------------------------

Entry: 9 July 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, June 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

The first review of a universal ( <> ) character. This review will likely be shorter than the previous reviews, for obvious reasons.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B

I have a strange feeling that many <> cards will be rated B, simply because they are standard, useful cards. Naboo Officer / Battle Planner is not uneconomical, not overly-economical....just standard-YJCCG-economical. 3 Power for 3 Deploy, a location Power bonus of +2 at Naboo/Gungan Swamp... fairly good/okay-ish.

Decipher: B+
I couldn't work out the logic behind this card for a while, but now I get it. Conceptually, this character helped to orchestrate the joint Gungan/Naboo-Human resistance to the Trade Federation, at the Gungan Swamp. The reason why this character gets a location bonus at Gungan Swamp is because that is where the plans were made. Right? I'm not sure. One minor gripe about the damage (the same as Padme Naberrie/Handmaiden? I think it should be Damage 1!), but other than that, okay.

Overall Usefulness: B
Sort of useful. Similar to Mas Amedda, this character gets its location bonuses from a site that is currently unavailable to the Light side. At this point in time, if you are planning a Naboo offensive, you will probably target Naboo/Theed Palace, using Gungan Warrior/Infantry. Will become useful soon by sheer virtue of the fact that Naboo Officer/Battle Planner is currently the only Naboo-based <> character with a Power of 3. One step up from your average Gungan, in other words.

FLAVOR TEXT: "A few police and guards have formed an underground resistance." - Panaka



Deploy: 3

Power: 3

Destiny: 4

Damage: 2

Power Bonuses:

Naboo/Theed Palace: +0
Naboo/Battle Fields: +0
Naboo/Gungan Swamp: +2


Some sort of specific interacting cards here. Interacting enough, me thinks.

The Federation Has Gone Too Far
(#60, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Yellow-Dot)
- This battle cards gives Power +1 an and allows any two <> Naboo Officers to fight together in battle. A cool card to include in your Naboo Officer theme decks.

<>Flash Speeder
(#42, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Orange-Dot)
- I have literally hundreds of these, and have never even thought about using them in a deck. But there is a nice opportunity here! This weapon gives any <>Naboo Officer Power +2 and a Destiny ? draw in battle, or any other character a Destiny ? draw in battle. A nice combo opportunity here! Decipher: more cards like this, please!


Naboo Officer/Battle Planner is a deceptively useful card. To date I have not used a single copy of one in my deck, and have disregarded Flash Speeders as a completely useless Common card that I flip past to see what Rare I got. But there is a cool opportunity for a combo here which can not be dismissed. Although most <> universal cards in YJCCG have some nice Battle card and Weapon card support (e.g. Gungans + Kaadu + Electropoles), this does not lessen the value of Naboo Officer in any way. Although this card will be most effective when future expansions are released, its higher Power than your average <> character makes it stand head and shoulders above them in terms of individuality: which is what we all want.


Let's have a nice look at the possibility of a Battle Planners theme. So for starters, the blue-dot category will consist of 10 of our best Naboo Officer/Battle Planners. Which shouldn't be too difficult to get a hold of. For the orange-dot category, we have Flash Speeders and I would suggest a few Blaster Rifles, simply to improve the deck's Destiny. The yellow-dot category can be packed with The Federation Has Gone Too Far and The Negotiations Were Short, which simply has to be included *somewhere* in any deck. Well, how can we stick to the theme in our other categories? For red, I suggest Ishi Tib/Warriors and maybe 1-2 Jedi. For green, go for Naboo Security/Guards and Queen Amidala. You have almost got a Queen's Plan deck here! But let's collectively pray to Decipher for some more Naboo Officers, that are *not* blue-dot.

* The Force Quotient (FQ, like IQ) of Naboo Officer/Battle Planner is 7. Not bad for a universal character, the same as Qui-Gon Jinn/Jedi Master, Jar Jar Binks/Gungan Chuba Thief, and R2-D2/Anakin's Creation, among others.

* Style tips:

- Before an emphatic planet victory, deploy a few Naboo Officer/Battle Planners. When you win, point to the planners: " They did it. It was all their idea. "

- Keep lots of copies of this card around the table with you at tournaments. When your opponents ask what the hell if going on, inform them that they are helping you with your battle plan strategy. (Boom-boom.)


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. A man a plan a canal Panama. Yeah! Send me your palindromes! Hint: write down 'A man a plan a canal Panama' backwards (for palindrome rookies).

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