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#13 Boss Nass / Leader of the Gungans

#17 Rep Been / Gungan ---------------------------------------

Entry: 4 July 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, June 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

Yay! The first dual entry in the Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy! Boo! Seeing that the stats of Boss Nass and Rep Been are *identical*, they are combined in a single entry. When I talk about Boss Nass, I also mean Rep Been in most cases. And vice-versa.
jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B
- Boss Nass (and Rep Been) is a reasonably economical card. Deploying for 3 and with a base power rating of 4, he at first seems overpowered. However, his Damage of 3 and Destiny of 1 more than equals out this advantage. The fact that his single location bonus is at Naboo/Battle Fields (a site not even released yet) merely makes this card even more uneconomical. This rating may change as future expansions are released.

Decipher: D
- For the most part of the Unofficial Guide so far, this area of each card review has been full of gushing praise. Not today. I don't know how this "identical" duo fell through the net. They are *the same card*! Lets face it, the Dark side have 70 different cards to work with at present, the Light side have 69. It is very, very annoying. On an individual level, I think the Boss Nass card is a little off: especially the location bonuses. Boss Nass wasn't carving them up at the Battle Fields, and should have some bonus at the Gungan Swamp or the Theed Palace. The images of both cards are pretty good.

Overall Usefulness: C+ and F
- Well, the character you like better (probably Boss Nass) gets a C+ and the character you like least gets an F. Boss Nass is a handy card to have around in a Gungan-themed deck because of his nice power:deploy ratio. By that I mean his power is greater than is deploy. Unfortunately, he has a Destiny of 1. Which you don't want to draw in *any* battle.

FLAVOR TEXT (Boss Nass / Leader of the Gungans): "Dis army of Mackineeks up dare tis new weesong!" - Boss Nass

FLAVOR TEXT (Rep Been / Gungan): Led by Boss Nass and the ruling council, Gungans are proud and independent.



Deploy: 3

Power: 4

Destiny: 1

Damage: 3

Power Bonuses:

Naboo/Theed Palace: +0
Naboo/Battle Fields: +2
Naboo/Gungan Swamp: +0


No interacting cards as yet. I am hoping for a few Boss Nass themed cards in future expansions, but simply wish Rep Been would disappear off the face of the planet.


It is a real shame that Boss Nass and Rep Been have the same stats. I really like Boss Nass, the character, and it feels like YJCCG has tarnished him somehow. Am I being over the top? Yep, probably. But when I look through my collection or when I am making a Naboo/Gungan deck and I see two cards the same, I can't help but think "that's a waste". Anyway, back to the card itself. I like to compare this card to Captain Panaka / Protector of the Queen, who is similar in stats to both Boss Nass and Rep Been. All three cards are blue-dot, have Deploy 3, Power 4, and Damage 3. The differences are that Panaka has a location bonus of Power +2 at Tatooine/Desert Landing Site, whereas Boss Nass has a location bonus of Power +2 at Naboo/Battle Fields, and that Boss Nass has a Destiny of 1 (compared to Panaka's 2). From this it is clearly obvious which is the more useful card, especially with the wealth of other better Naboo-based characters available.


* Applications of Boss Nass/Rep Been in a Naboo-based deck? Well....I don't know. While his cheap Power is helpful, his only location bonus is currently worthless and he has a Destiny of only 1. 'The Boss' is sadly not powerful enough as a card to dominate a stoplight color. In your basic Naboo/Gungan deck, you really want to stuff as many Gungans in as you can, keeping the destiny up reasonably high in order to fuel your Electropoles and Kaadu. I would suggest that at most, 3 copies of Boss Nass should be in your deck. And I would personally settle for 1-2. It is kind of frustrating because you want him in there for the sake of it, but he is not as useful, as a card, as he should be.

* The Force Quotient (FQ, like IQ) of both Boss Nass / Leader of the Gungans and Rep Been / Gungan is 5. Which bites, quite frankly. The same as Jawa / Thief, Naboo Security / Guard and several universal Gungans. Which is a shame. Boss Nass deserves better.

* Silly theme of today: The Twins Deck. Starring: Boss Nass and Rep Been! The various versions of Amidala and Padme! Yeah!

* Style tips:

- Use a lot of Boss Nass in a tournament deck. Practice shaking your cheeks: "Bur-rur-uruurur." Unless your opponent doesn't care about their cards being covered in phlegm, you should be ejected from the tournament. But at least you will get ejected with style.

- Theme deck: Jar Jar in Goo deck. Including Jar Jar Binks and all the characters you can find who find him distasteful. Boss Nass, Tarpals ... wait a minute, that's practically everyone!


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Just who is Rep Been anyway?

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