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#12 C-3P0, Anakin's Creation ---------------------------------------

Entry: 3 July 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, June 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

This entry borrows much from #11, because this card is practically identical to R2-D2 / Astromech Droid.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B+
- C-3P0 / Anakin's Creation is *barely* more economical than his counterpart R2-D2 (which I'm sure irks the little fella). The only differences between the two cards is that C-3P0 deploys for one less (for one) than R2 and R2 has Destiny 6, whereas C-3P0 has Destiny 5. C-3P0 gets a location bonus of Power +1 at all Tatooine sites and has a Damage of 0, like R2-D2. Also like R2-D2, best used in Counterparts themed decks.

Decipher: A-
- Well this is turning out to be a carbon copy of the R2-D2 grades from #11. Again the only thing stopping me from giving Decipher full marks is that they have for some bizarre reason decided to give C-3P0 Power +1 at Tatooine/Desert Landing Site. Am I missing something? Was C-3P0 even ever at the Landing Site? I don't think so, but if he was, did he do anything that is deserving of such a bonus there? I think not. Apart from that, the image is great, the Damage and Destiny nice and the Power more than apt.

Overall Usefulness: B
- C-3P0 is very much so R2-D2's counterpart: in most respects those two character cards are identical. Neither is a wonderful card in any deck, and both are used most effectively when they are in a Counterparts-themed deck.

FLAVOR TEXT: "I'm making my own droid."--Anakin Skywalker



Deploy: 1

Power: 1

Destiny: 5

Damage: 0

Power Bonuses:

Tatooine/Mos Espa: +1
Tatooine/Desert Landing Site: +1
Tatooine/Podrace Arena: +1


(#50, Menace of Darth Maul, Uncommon, Yellow-Dot)
- This battle card allows R2-D2 and C-3P0 to fight together without weapons, giving them a Destiny ? + Destiny ? bonus! That's right, *TWO* destiny draws! While C-3P0 and R2-D2, by themselves, are not the strongest cards going around, this card makes them a Darth Maul-bashing force. Destiny of 3 isn't great, but is okay.


I suppose if I had a few spare slots left in my Tatooine/Naboo Light deck that I didn't know what to do with, I'd put a few copies of C-3P0 / Anakin's Creation in. High destiny, right? Could be helpful when Panaka aims at Maul in battle, right? Well there is so much more to this card than that. There is an obvious opportunity for a Counterparts-themed deck, containing both C-3P0 and R2-D2 / Astromech Droid. And there is little to lose! So Maul wipes out your R2-D2/C-3P0/Counterparts combo (you drew two Destiny = 1 cards - can you believe that?!?!), well you only lose the three cards that you used. No Damage. I'm hoping for more cool Light droid enhancing cards in future expansions, along with more droids! (That reminds me, I want Anakin's Pit Droid!) If I had to pick between the two similar cards, I would probably settle for C-3P0 / Anakin's Creation. Why? I think a cheaper deploy (C-3P0 = 1 vs. R2-D2 = 2) is more important than the extra Destiny point that R2 has (C-3P0 = 5 vs. R2-D2 = 6). Quite simply, I can deploy an Obi-Wan Kenobi, YJ on the same turn as C-3P0, whereas I can't deploy the Young Jedi and R2 on the same turn. And that can make all the difference.


* C-3P0 / Anakin's Creation is probably not as much a central-character to a typical high-destiny deck. While he has a Destiny of 5 (which is nice), you can include other Light cards with just as good Destiny that are slightly more powerful in play. Of course, an R2/C-3P0/Counterparts/High Destiny deck shouldn't do to badly either!

* So lets take a look at the Counterparts-deck theme. You firstly want as many copies of Counterparts as you can lay your hands on (up to a max. of 10, of course!) in the deck. Maybe you might want to put 5-7 copies in, with 3-5 copies of The Negotiations Were Short (come on, it is *the* all-purpose Battle card!). Just remember that the Dark side will not hesitate to include quite a few of Opee Sea Killer (the Dark equivalent of The Negotiations Were Short) so spread it around a bit. The next step is including 5 copies each of R2-D2 / Astromech Droid and C-3P0 / Anakin's Creation. Obviously, most people are not going to have exactly that distribution, and most people are not going to have that many anyway. That's what trading is for! What else? For Red-dot characters, I would suggest Panaka and Mace Windu, supported by Ishi Tibs. Regardless of what theme you are playing, you are still going to have to focus on two planets, and because all of your green-dot slots have been overrun by droids, Naboo is probably out. I suppose Anakin is another card you may want to have, to feed off the high destiny of your droids and also to stick to the theme. Tell me how it goes!

* The Force Quotient (FQ, like IQ) of C-3P0 / Anakin's Creation is 6. Which is suitable considering that C-3P0 is infinitely less talent than R2-D2. R2-D2 was genuinely useful in many situations during the SW saga, whereas C-3P0 is probably closer to Classic Jar Jar Binks.

* Silly theme of today: The British Accents Club! Obvious inclusions are C-3P0, Obi-Wan Kenobi and um... er... I don't know. Or you could have the Comic Relief deck, containing Jar Jar Binks, C-3P0, The Negotiations Were Short and Boss Nass.

* Style tips:

- Play a C-3P0 themed deck in a tournament -- naked. When your opponent asks you if you are a complete and utter idiot, reply in the Queen's English: "What do you mean my parts are showing? " or some such line. Nervous laughs and forfeits guaranteed.

- Theme Deck: The Sandcrawler. Jawas, droids and Tatooine-themed cards. Not exactly slow as the name suggests: a lightning-fast "breakthrough" deck.

- Theme deck: The Best Buddies No More deck. Starring: Anakin and C-3P0. Just think, if Anakin smashed up C-3P0 when he was little, then.. um... er... it wouldn't have mattered a bit. Oh, actually, Luke, Han and Chewie would have been eaten by the Ewoks. Although that is debatable.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Anyone remember the old Star Wars: Droids animated series? Anyone at all?

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