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#115 Multi Troop Transport

Entry: 8 December 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, December 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: F
Take a quick look at the Multi Troop Transport and you may think ooh! It gives bonuses to my Destroyer Droids and my Battle Droids! The perfect weapon for my Dark Droid deck theme! But, unfortunately, the Multi Troop Transport is not nearly as economical as it first appears. It grants either Power +2 and a Destiny ? draw to a Destroyer Droid, or a simple Destiny ? draw to a Battle Droid. Fairly nice: a standard bonus, but the Destiny of 1 that the Multi Troop Transport has, along with its over-expensive Deploy of 2 does it no favors. The super-economical Blaster Rifle beckons...

Decipher: F
Well, first off, I am probably not the first one to state that the concept behind this card does not really sit well with me. I mean, a transport? Capable of carrying thousands of droids? It doesn't really work does it? The idea is kind of nice, but realistically, all the Battle Droids and Destroyer Droids that you put into play should be able to get a bonus from a single copy of this card! Hence the fail mark. Even once we accept the idea behind the card, I am not too keen on the idea that Destroyer Droids get a larger bonus than Battle Droids. I mean - possible reasons for this? Apart from these concerns, the card is okay! (what, is there any card left?)

Overall Usefulness: D+
Sure, it is a pretty uneconomical card, and hence the card is not as useful as it could be. But it is the only weapon in YJCCG at the moment that provides a specific bonus to the humble Destroyer Droid, and this is where the Multi Troop Transport retains at least some worth. Even with it's gross lack of economy, it still provides a nifty mechanism for pumping up your Destroyer Droids, as well as catering for Battle Droids in that troublesome green-dot category. While, like Lightsabers and the Trade Federation Tank Laser Cannon, it is a card best used sparingly, (even in a deck packed with Destroyer Droids!) when used correctly it can be key. And some of the cards in Jedi Council help to make this card even more powerful...

FLAVOR TEXT: "The Federation Army's also much larger than we thought, and much stronger." - Panaka.



Deploy: 2

Destiny: 1

Game Text:
Adds oo? to any Destroyer Droid in battle (Power +2 AND Destiny ? draw) OR
Adds ? to any Battle Droid in battle (Destiny ? draw)


Phew! Too many to count! But...

Destroyer Droid Squad, Assault Division
(#78, Menace of Darth Maul, Rare, Red-Dot) OR
Destroyer Droid Squad, Defense Division
(#78, Jedi Council, Rare, Red-Dot)
When shipped (?) in a Multi Troop Transport, the mighty Destroyer Droid Squad gets a bonus equal to Power +2 and a Destiny ? draw. Depending on which of the variants you use, you will have 7 Power + Destiny, plus possible location bonuses at either Tatooine or Coruscant.

Destroyer Droid, Wheel Droid
(#89, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Red-Dot) OR
Destroyer Droid, Defense Droid
(#90, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Blue-Dot) OR
Destroyer Droid, Assault Droid
(#92, Jedi Council, Common, Red-Dot) OR
Destroyer Droid, Battleship Security
(#93, Jedi Council, Common, Blue-Dot)
Any of the above Destroyer Droids will get a tasty bonus of Power +2 and a Destiny ? draw from the Multi Troop Transport Battle card. Which means a pretty handy Power of 5 + Destiny, without adding location bonuses or weapon bonuses. Not too bad at all.

Battle Droid Squad, Assault Unit
(#79, Menace of Darth Maul, Rare, Red-Dot) OR
Battle Droid Squad, Escort Unit
(#79, Jedi Council, Rare, Blue-Dot)
The Multi Troop Transport will only give the above Battle Droid Squads a Destiny ? draw bonus, which will lift them each to a base 4 Power + Destiny. Or 5 Power + Destiny if you are either on Tatooine or Coruscant and have the right Battle Droid Squad. Okay, but that Multi Troop Transport is giving you the same bonus as a Blaster Rifle for 5 less Destiny and 1 more Deploy. Ick.

Battle Droid: Pilot, MTT Division
(#97, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Blue-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Security, MTT Division
(#98, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Blue-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Infantry, MTT Division
(#99, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Blue-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Officer, MTT Division
(#100, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Blue-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Pilot, AAT Division
(#101, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Green-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Security, AAT Division
(#102, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Green-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Infantry, AAT Division
(#103, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Green-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Officer, AAT Division
(#104, Menace of Darth Maul, Common, Green-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Pilot, Assault Division
(#96, Jedi Council, Common, Blue-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Security, Assault Division
(#97, Jedi Council, Common, Blue-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Infantry, Assault Division
(#98, Jedi Council, Common, Blue-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Pilot, Guard Division
(#99, Jedi Council, Common, Green-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Security, Guard Division
(#100, Jedi Council, Common, Green-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Infantry, Guard Division
(#101, Jedi Council, Common, Green-Dot) OR
Battle Droid: Officer, Guard Division
(#102, Jedi Council, Common, Green-Dot)
And just think there are more of the blighters to come! Any of the droids above will get a Destiny ? draw bonus frm the Multi Troop Transport battle card. This will push their base Power up to 2 + Destiny, possibly up to 3 or 4 + Destiny depending on what location your Battle Droid is at and what class of Battle Droid it is. Again, I would have to say that a Blaster Rifle certainly appears a much more economical option than the Multi Troop Transport when it comes to Battle Droids...


Multi Troop Transport is one of those rare cards in YJCCG that can be used easily, but is only really effective when you use it with a specific card or set of cards. It is the sort of card that beginner's may use in their Dark decks, when only using a couple of Destroyer Droids and a fistful of Battle Droids, and is a card that can easily lead to your deck being uncompetitive. As mentioned above, this card is best suited to decks that use a lot of Destroyer Droid cards - and perhaps the remainder of the deck (for now, the green-dot category - there are no Destroyer Droids in the green-dot category) could best be filled by Battle Droids. The Multi Troop Transport is a card that will allow you to reasonably efficiently operate a Destroyer Droid deck that uses a few Battle Droids as well, but that is all it can economically do.


* The Multi Troop Transport-style deck will typically focus almost completely on the mighty Destroyer Droid, with a few Battle Droids used to fill in the gaps and provide support. The red-dot category can typically be filled by a combination of Destroyer Droids and Destroyer Droid Squads, either a combination of the Assault Droid squad type and the Wheel Droid type (Tatooine) or the Defense Droid Squad type and the Assault Droid type (Coruscant). I would advise including only 2-4 of the squads, in order to minimise the deck's reliance on transports. You won't need that extra Power anyway. Blue is similarly dealt with, using Destroyer Droids of the Defense Droid type for Tatooine-based decks or of the Battleship Security type for Coruscant-based decks. As many as you can, optimally. Green is where we need that Battle Droid support: just pick 10 droids that match your location bonus requirements. Battle card you will want to use include Begin Landing Your Troops / Switch to Bio, Opee Sea Killer, and Your Little Insurrection Is At An End. I would still be including 2-4 copies of Opee Sea Killer there, however. Finally, include duplicates of your site of choice, and stick to Droid Starfighters if possible.

* Destroyer Droid, Wheel Droid x2 + Multi Troop Transport + Begin Landing Your Troops + Destiny = 6 on Tatooine = 17 Power. Battle Droids are fine, but Destroyer Droids have probably got the advantage when it comes to Power.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Who here thinks that a Trade Federation Troop Transport ought to have at least a couple of jimungous guns to bombard the Jedi with? Maybe that Power bonus should be Power +50...

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