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#113 Teemto Pagalies' Podracer

Entry: 5 December 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, December 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

Instead of reading this entry in the Guide, you may as well read the entry for #110, #111, or #112. They are pretty similar....

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: A-
So how fares Teemto in the Podracing stakes? The same as all the other Podracers, apparently. His Podracer gives him Power +3 and a Destiny ? draw in battle, or a Destiny ? draw to any other Podracer. Pretty nice, yes, but unless you have a thing for Veknoids you may prefer to use (deep breath) Gasgano, or Ben Quadinaros, or Mars Guo, or Dud Bolt, or ... (collapses, asleep).

Decipher: C
Teemto Pagalies' Podracer is subject to the two problems that all the Podracer cards have: they are all statistically identical and the images on each of them could do with some artistic license. Higher or lower Deploy, higher or lower Destiny, higher or lower bonuses: *something* could be made differently on each of the Podracers, surely? And the images, while being fairly nice and representing each of the Podracers reasonably well, are very same-ish and boring. I mean - they are close to identical enough without making the images on the cards close to identical as well! Also, unless there is some relationship between Teemto Pagalies and Malastare that I am not aware of (which may well be possible!), the flavor text is ... well ... strange?

Overall Usefulness: D
Logically, the usefulness of Teemto Pagalies' Podracer is about the same as the usefulness of Teemto Pagalies, which means that this card is not overly useful at all. The only reason that I mark the Podracers greater in terms of usefulness is due to the fact that they are each quite powerful. Still, there are many useful alternatives to Teemto Pagalies and his Podracer that could be used in a deck instead: Ben Quadinaros, Dud Bolt, Mars Guo, the list goes on. And all these alternatives are not by any means less useful alternatives: in actual fact they are all identical alternatives. It doesn't matter which one you use. While some may see this is as a benefit, I (and I suspect most YJCCG players) would tend to view it as YJCCG's loss. Boo and hiss.

FLAVOR TEXT: " They have Podracing on Malastare. Very fast, very dangerous. " -- Qui-Gon Jinn



Deploy: 1

Destiny: 3

Game Text:
Adds ooo? to Teemto Pagalies in battle (Power +3 AND Destiny ? draw) OR
Adds ? to any other Podracer pilot in battle. (Destiny ? draw)


Teemto Pagalies, Podracer Pilot
(#83, Menace of Darth Maul, Uncommon, Green-Dot)
Teemto Pagalies' Podracer gives him a much needed Power +3 and a Destiny ? draw in battle, or a Destiny ? draw to any other Podracer in battle. Yes, it is a nice bonus, but it won't do you much good if you can't match Teemto with his Podracer with a bit of luck. Remember, Sith can not ride Pods - they just keep falling off (amusing thought).


Rather than being a key component of any complex YJCCG strategic plan, Teemto Pagalies / Podracer Pilot and Teemto Pagalies' Podracer are only going to be put in your Dark deck if you hold a special place in your heart for Mawhonic, for some reason. While Sith decks pretty much are forced to use both Darth Maul and Darth Sidious, and Battle Droid decks, well, tend to focus on a certain selection of Battle Droids, Podracing decks need not include Teemto Pagalies or his Podracer. Ever. There is no pertinent strategic reason that I can think of that would see someone *needing* to include Teemto Pagalies' Podracer or Teemto himself - none whatsoever. I mean, why not use Ben, or Mawhonic, or Gasgano, or Dud, or Ody, or Mars, or Clegg, or Ratts? Anybody?


* So your typical Podracing deck will have for starters, 5+ copies of Sebulba in the blue-dot category, along with 2+ copies of his Podracer. Green is the Podracing haven of the YJCCG galaxy, with nine Podracing possibilities to choose from. Fortunately for us, we don't have to worry: any of them will do because they are all the same. Rapturous joy! In any case, it is probably best to pick one or two of those available, and divide the possible places among each of the two, rather than include the whole fleet of Podracer pilots. So we take five each of Teemto Pagalies / Podracer Pilot and Ben Quadinaros / Podracer Pilot, and 2 copies each of their personalised podracers. Battle cards that will be helpful to such a deck would include Gruelling Contest, Opee Sea Killer and perhaps something like Start Your Engines!

* Ben Quadinaros, Podracer Pilot + Teemto Pagalies, Podracer Pilot + Teemto Pagalies' Podracer + Start Your Engines! + Destiny = 6 at Tatooine / Podrace Arena = 19 Power. Perhaps a little tricky to get together, but a nice payoff if you can manage it. This is the kind of combination that can win Dark Podracing decks matches.

* Who else thinks that a Veknoid resembles a rabbit which has been flattened under a truck? Anyone? Oh, it's just me then. Erm.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Has anyone counter up all the new species of aliens that feature in Episode I yet? Anyone?

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