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#109 Sebulba's Podracer

Entry: 1 December 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, December 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: B+
Sebulba's personalised podracer gives him Power +3 and a Destiny ? draw in battle, or a Destiny ? draw to any other Podracer pilot. Pretty good, and the best individual bonus for a weapon in the Menace of Darth Maul Expansion. So where's the drawback? A Destiny of only 2. But the bonus that this card provides, unlike the lightsabers, or Aurra Sing's Blaster Rifle, is well worth it. While this card statistically is not as efficient as a Blaster Rifle, it is still mighty fine if you are packing a lot of copies of Sebulba in your deck.

Decipher: A-
Very nearly perfect. I can't see anything overtly wrong with this card. The bonuses that it provides appear fair and tie nicely into the film, and the Deploy cost of 1 and the Destiny are more than fair. The only possible gripe I may have with this card (I am not sure, at this point in time) is that the image could be better. As with all of the Podracer cards in the Menace of Darth Maul expansion, the image is of the podracer side on, and small enough so that the whole podracer fits on the card. Is there a better way of doing it? I don't know.

Overall Usefulness: B
It's tough to rate a card like this in terms of usefulness, when you consider that this card obviously will not be worth using unless there are multiple copies of Sebulba in your deck. But when you have those 3-4 copies of Sebulba, his Podracer is key, and you may just be crazy to not put 1-2 copies of it in your deck. While having Sebulba and his Podracer, and drawing his Podracer again as Destiny is not as effective overall as having Sebulba with a Blaster Rifle and drawing another Blaster Rifle as Destiny, I think the gap is close enough (only 1 difference in Power) that it is worth using this card. And infinitely more fun, of course.

FLAVOR TEXT: "Sebulba flashed me with his vents." - Anakin Skywalker



Deploy: 1

Destiny: 2

Game Text:
Adds ooo? to Sebulba in battle (Power +3 AND Destiny ? draw) OR
Adds ? to any other Podracer pilot in battle. (Destiny ? draw)


Sebulba, Bad Tempered Dug
(#73, Menace of Darth Maul, Rare, Blue-Dot)
While it is debatable as to whether or not Sebulba / Bad Tempered Dug should be able to use this card, it gives him Power +3 and a Destiny ? draw bonus in battle. The premier Podracing combination available in the Menace of Darth Maul expansion, this card is the character to use with Sebulba's Podracer if you haven't picked up any copies of Sebulba / Podracer Pilot from Jedi Council yet!


Sebulba's Podracer is probably the best weapon card in the Menace of Darth Maul expansion because of the raw bonus it gives to an already useful main character, and is bound to only become more popular with the release of Sebulba / Podracer Pilot and the Dark version of Tatooine / Podrace Arena in Jedi Council. The key card in many effective (and even not-so-effective) Dark Podracing decks, it gives enough Power to Sebulba for him to match it with most of the Light Jedi. While you may not want to use too many copies of Sebulba's Podracer in your deck due to it's slightly annoying Destiny of 2, it is the kind of card that you have to include if you are using more than a couple of copies of Sebulba. For a single counter you can add a possible 9 Power to Sebulba - that is all you need to think about when considering if you should include this card.


* As a minimum, I would suggest having 3 copies of Sebulba in your deck for each copy of his Podracer you put in, up to a maximum of five copies of Sebulba's Podracer for the full possible complement of ten Sebulbas. Just remember, you not only have to deal with the prospect of having characters who can't use all these Podracers you keep drawing, but also the low Average Destiny your deck may be stuck with if you use lots of Sebulba (Both variants have a Destiny = 3) and multiples of his Podracer. Any near-effective Podracing deck should be concentrating squarely on Sebulba, with maybe a couple of helping hands from the rest of the ugly Podracing mob. But in that case, you will have to stretch the weapons category over all the pilots you use, and include a couple of Blaster Rifles as well... which may leave you with a bit of a mess...

* Sebulba, Bad Tempered Dug + Sebulba's Podracer + Gruelling Contest + Destiny = 6 on Tatooine = 16 Power. Very nice. Probably good enough to teach that young upstart Anakin a lesson or two. But how about:

* Sebulba, Podracer Pilot + Sebulba's Podracer + Gruelling Contest + Destiny = 6 at Tatooine / Podrace Arena = 17 Power. Ever so slightly better. But better enough, methinks.

* Style Tip: Beat Anakin. Oh well, it appears Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and Queenie are trapped on a desert world for all eternity. Obi-Wan will become a desert hermit before he thought.


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. I can only guess at what's next for Sebulba, in the final expansion of YJCCG. But I am not sure if I really want to.

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