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#10 Yoda, Jedi Master

Entry: 1 July 1999

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy.

Compiled by jinnandtonic, June 1999.

Thoughts? You like this? You hate this? Email me!

The Unofficial Jedi's Guide to the YJCCG Galaxy is THE card strategy reference for Decipher's Young Jedi CCG. Starting with the first expansion, 'The Menace of Darth Maul', each individual card will be discussed until it can be discussed no further. Nevertheless, if I have missed something, email me at, and I will update it accordingly.

jinnandtonic's Grades:

Economy: A
- A card can hardly be more economical than Yoda, JM and still be fair. With 4 Power for 4 Deploy, Power +1 at all Coruscant locations and a Destiny of 5, it doesn't get much better than the puppet-one. Only Aurra Sing is more economical than this card.

Decipher: C
- Well, it is a little disappointing. The image Decipher used is great, and the Power rating fair. But I don't buy the awesomely high Destiny or the awesomely low Damage for such an influential figure. He also definitely should have a Location Bonus of Power +2 at Coruscant/Jedi Council Chamber. I would have liked to see a Damage rating of at least 6, maybe even 7.

Overall Usefulness: A
- Well, he doesn't really fit the Yoda character portrayed in the film, but he is still an extremely useful character to have around. Along with Mace Windu, he is the backbone of any Light deck attempting to target both Naboo and Coruscant, and with that high Destiny is a pretty powerful character to include in your "high-destiny" deck. I have two copies of him at the moment, and feel I could do with at least two more.

FLAVOR TEXT: "A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind, " - Yoda



Deploy: 4

Power: 4

Destiny: 5

Damage: 4

Power Bonuses:

Coruscant/Jedi Council Chamber: +1
Coruscant/Galactic Senate: +1
Coruscant/Capital City: +1


Boo! No Yoda-themed cards with titles in his special language yet. Disappointed am I. Yoda-decks I want. In new expansions, Yoda-cards there must be. Or strong in the force, Decipher is not.


Yoda is a handy card to shove into any deck. High destiny, excellent Power and one of only a few characters currently with Power bonuses on Coruscant, Yoda is the everywhere man. Although you may have to watch his Damage 4, he literally slips quite nicely into any deck style. If you're making a high-destiny deck, he is a nice card to have a few of. A lot better than a Pit-Droid, anyhow. But I wany Yoda's Lightsaber! And I want a Yoda battle card! An example: Fear Leads to Anger, Anger Leads to Hate. Any takers?

* The Light side certainly have an advantage in YJCCG at the moment because they have more characters with location bonuses at both Coruscant and Naboo than the Dark side. This imbalance will probably be corrected in the coming expansions, but until then, there is no reason why you can't exploit this. Should you win the initial destiny draw (the probability of this increases with every Yoda you have in the deck), Light side players will probably take Naboo, then Coruscant. The only real thing to concern yourself with on Coruscant is Darth Sidious, but Yoda is almost as tough as him anyway. And has a better Destiny.

* What choices do the Light side have for Destiny draws for Blue-Dot cards? Here are the highest you can have in there:

- Yoda, Jedi Master (5)
- Padme Naberrie / Handmaiden (5)
- Captain Tarpals / Gungan Guard (5)

While Tarpals is favoured by a lot of players, I would suggest that Yoda is probably better (but is also Rare). Put him in for a nice boost on Coruscant.

* Here is a nice method for calculating a character's Force Quotient (as I call it). Add their Destiny and Power together. There. Now it is interesting to note that with the exception of Anakin (whose Power is indeterminate), Yoda has the highest Force Quotient of the Light side at the moment. The highest on the Dark side? Our good friend Darth Sidious, equal to Yoda with a FQ of 9.

* Here is a nice silly theme: The YJCCG Silly Talkers deck. Yoda is an obvious inclusion, along with Boss Nass, a host of Gungans and Jar Jar. Try it out. Try including Battle cards and Weapons with silly language flavor-text and see where you end up. It may be a tournament winner, or it may be totally useless.

* Style tips:

- Well, there are two many. I would firstly suggest that you adopt a Yoda way of speaking when Yoda is on the table. Deploying Anakin, say: "Too old. Yes, to old to begin the training. "

- When Darth Maul hits the table: "Always two there are. A master and an apprentice. "

- A theme deck: Yoda and R2-D2. They never really liked each other, did they? (Empire, on Dagobah, anyone?)


Up to you. Think of anything else cool about his card, or combos that you have used to great effect? What about a particular game in which this card made you win? Send anything like that to and I'll add it here. Have a look at Chad Phillips' Brief Look at Yoda in the Article Archive if you haven't already. Mmm, yes. Size matters not. "Grover, you seek Grover. "

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