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"Don't be afraid to go after what you want to do and
what you want to be,

but don't be afraid of being willing to pay the price."

Tuff Hedeman

Cowgirl is an attitude,

really. A pioneer spirit, a special American brand of
courage. The cowgirl

faces life head on, lives by her own lights, and makes
no excuses. Cowgirls

take stands. They speak up. They defend the things
they hold dear. A cowgirl

might be a rancher, or a barrel racer, or a bull rider, or
an actress. But

she’s just as likely to be a checker at the local Winn
Dixie, a full-time

mother, a banker, an attorney, an astronaut.”

Quoted from the Cowgirl Companion, p.ix, by Gail
Cilchriest, ISBN

What would we do without Cowgirls?
What would we do without the ropers, trick riders and rodeo queens?
How could we live without the ladies who ride the range and keep the wild west alive?
This is a tribute to Cowgirls young and old, Cowgirls past and present, and Cowgirls of today.
It's for the gals who grab the traditions of yesterday and ride with them into the future.
It is a dedication to those who race like the wind, circle the cows, cut out the duds and ride with the best.
To the poets and artists and teachers of life.
To those who don't mind jumping in without fear. and giving their all because it is the right thing to do.
Now here's not suggesting you don't be a lady,
what's being said is never forget who you are.
Always let yourself and your beauty shine through no matter how dusty you get or how tired you are.
Try to always be strong, remember your friends, be nice to your horse, then put on your lipstick and never, NEVER back down to the guys!!!!


This is one of my favorite pencil drawings by Paul Cameron Smith . Check out his nitch on the web to view more of his wonderful artwork!