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Hue Chau's Homepage
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Hi!  Thanks for dropping in.  My name is Hue Chau, I'm presently a student at Concordia, and Dawson.  This is my quirky first attempt at a webpage so please bare with me :).  So if you are ready to jump in and discover all about me then click on my world!  

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But if you'd rather see some photos of my trip through the states, and check out the cool places I made it to with my snazzy k-car, click on the car.
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If you think i'm the perfect person for you organization then look at my cv.  And if you'd like to see some of my interests look at my hot links.

Well, that's all for now, but you can always email me at:

That's all folks, unless you'd like your own web page hosted by
Bye-Bye for now....