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Vrong Planet - Internet Addiction Vrong Planet - Internet Addiction
People can become addicted to activities even when there is no true physiological dependence or physiological addiction. Overeating, sex, work, exercise can be addictive if done to excess.

Even ordinary healthy activities can become addicting. There is however usually some high involved and we refer to this behavior as 'mood altering' behavior.
This means it changes your emotional state in some way. That's what behavioral addictions are about. The main way to determine if some activity is addictive is if it is having a negative impact on some other area of your life. (Job, health, relationships, finances etc).

Internet Addiction Syndrome
There is now an official name for who have become addicted to the Internet: they are suffering from 'Internet Addiction Syndrome.'

What is Addiction?
A behavior pattern of compulsive drug use characterised by overwhelming involvement

Professional Opinions
Some mental health professionals say people aren't addicted to the Internet they are addicted to

Signs & Symptoms
Depriving oneself of sleep to spend time on the Net.

Internet Addiction Survey
Take the Internet Addiction Survey Challenge and see are you

Internet Addiction Home Page
Yes it is not a joke, the internet can be addictive!

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