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Dissecting A Bible

Dissecting A Bible

A Critical Analysis of the Holy Scriptures


D G Van Curen, Celebrant HSCCC

Artistry by Reverend Aileen Coles

Release date - 1 Sep, 2008
To purchase a copy directly from the Author
Paperback: $9.95 ea.
Hardbound: $17.95 ea.
Shipping: $2.95 for 1st book + .50 for each additional book

Free shipping on orders over $150


In the first print run there was a minor error on page 22. 600 copies were printed before the error was caught. A sticker has been added to the back of these books to note the change. To eliminate this inventory, we are offerring the error copies at $5 each, or 6 for $25. Shipping as above.

Send check or money order to:
D G Van Curen
1506 Rand St
Boise, ID 83709

Send us an e-mail if you have questions:


Be sure to include "Book" or "Dissecting A Bible" in the subject line

View the introduction to the book


1. In the beginning - An analysis of the first few chapters of Genesis,
the story of creation, and the first humans
2. The Great Flood - A somewhat thorough scientific analysis of
the many flaws and failings of the Great Flood story.
3. Biblical Law and the Ten Commandments - A look at many of those
little known biblical laws and how they compare to American law.
4. Women and the Bible - Highlights the Biblical view of women
through an examination of relevant scriptures.
5. Internal Agreement - Compares scriptures to see if there truly
is internal agreement as religious leaders claim.
6. Divine Mischief - Examines some of the oddities claimed to be
God's handywork.

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