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The driftings of the jellyfish...

Welcome to the Abyss.

This the realm of dark waters, the seas of red; where serpents swim and ghostly terrors wander the dusty, wind swept plains of nothingness. Here blackness smothers all, with the pale glow of lost souls being the only glimmer of hope. Often such hope lures one to their doom. This is a cold, lonely place; should you seek solace, seek elsewhere, for you will find none here.

This is the realm of the Ronin.

Blue Text

Blue Text

"Lost? What do you mean I'm lost? I created this place." -Ronin of ARG.

I am a living ghost who wanders this desolate place, in search of a better life, a new god, an end to reality... This is my story. Here you may find things which spring forth from my dark imagination, on topics such as TOOL and my Palladium Fantasy campaign. Or even the broken men I call friend; members of the elite drinking squad; ARG. I beckon you to enter and experience a small token of my mind...

My mind.

Expect great graphic intensity.

A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in every action.
-Samurai Maxim

Other Relics of Decay:

Angelfire. Donator of web space.
Musak and bands which I like.
The RPG Tomb; as scribed by me.
Tool. By and by, a superior band.
Coal Chamber. Wiked muzak.
Shawn's page. Mostly well done.
Kent's page. Too bad he didn't make it himself...
Disclaimer. Of sorts.
