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Original Date Aired: November 3 '98

It isn't one of the best episodes. And besides, it was a repeat. I probably found it better the first time, I hate re-runs!(unless they're REALLY good ones!) Anyway, recap:

Scott broke up with Buffy

Xander and Willow Kissed

Cordelia & Buffy compeated for Homecoming Queen

Cordelia & Buffy were hunted by Trick

It is almost the Homecoming dance and Cordelia is running to be Queen-C. Cordelia awakens the Homecoming Queen within Buffy and they start of compete over who will win. Buffy is left in the dark by her friends when they have already started helping the competition, that being Cordelia. Meanwhile, there is SlayerFest '98 in the works, planned by the new guy in town, Mr. Trick, and a few other..... creatures of the night, such as and bounty hunter, a guy with.....spikes?, two german dudes, and a vampire couple. The german guys have been listening in on Buffy's conversations during the day to see, how they can snag her and Faith (the second Slayer). Well, they hear that they are going to the Homecoming dance together and so they rig the limo that Cordy and Buffy end up taking together, (planned by Willow, Xander, Oz, and Giles) so that they can work out all the conflicts that they have been having lately. Cordelia is mistaken for being a Slayer, because Trick heard that Faith and her were going to the dance together, he was wrong. While everyone is getting ready for the dance, Willow and Xander are getting ready together, since they are best friends, and they are in all of their fancy clothes and Xander is showing Willow how to dance and then.....smoochies!! They both know that they have done wrong and in a way, regret it, but now whenever they are around eachother they are totally nervous. Neither Oz nor Cordelia found out in that episode, but later they did!! When Faith gets to the dance and learns that Scott broke up with Buffy, she goes over to him and this girl and says to him, "Hey honey, I've been looking for you everywhere. The doctor says that the swelling will stop it we keep using the ointment!" Now that was hilarious. The girl just gives Scott a wierd look!! Back to Buffy, the driver of the limo is a german dude and he takes them to the woods, and it is a hunt. The girls manage to make it to a cabin in the woods and are able to get a message to Giles via a phone that is rigged up and then cut off. The spikey guy jumps through the window for them and they fight,.... make that Buffy fights while Cordelia hit him vigorously with a spatula, and then a bomb is sent in by a german dude, and while Buffy and Cordelia jump out a window the spikey guy tries but their is a wooden board put up across the window, now that was funny. Everyone is finally at the dance and they are anouncing the Queen, they say that their is a tie, but unfortunatly it isn't Buffy or Cordelia, it's some other chicks. Don't worry if you missed the show, it wasn't all that great! Cheerio.