"Every great advance in natural human knowledge has involved the
absolute rejection of authority"

-Thomas Huxley

Nazi PunX FucK oFf

Hey ppl, thanx 4 coming to visit my site. Be shure and sign my guest book, and also BOOKMARK this page then check back from time 2 time, it's updated very often.

Do you want to see me?? Well here's 2 pics. i have
Chris 1 & Chris 2
ok here ya go i got a new pic. but forgive my ugly ass i had just woke up like 5 seconds before the pic. got taken.
Chris 3

Shit Crew
this is a new section dedicated to all my homeboys who are proud to take part in our organization, stand up for there beliefes and never take shit from the man.

These are a few of my good friends, sorry if I know you and ur pic. is not on here yet, but dont worry, "if you send them they will be posted." =P

Here is a few good quotes to make you think.

Chaos Poem

This is a kick ass poam i borowed from some place i dont remember and i feel bad for not being able to give them there rightfull props. but hey at least it'll help there message be herd.

Kool little Tests
These are a few of those little tests you may have seen around, the ones u awnser then it tells you think about urslef by the anwsers you put.

My Mind
This is some of the thoughts that run threw my mind from time to time. It can eather help you to get to know me or understand were im coming from in many of my ideas and opinions.

My Fav. song lyrics
This is a colection of my absolute fav. song llyrics eathr cuz i can relate very well, or there just kick ass songs, hope u enjoy!
(this site is updated very often and im adding more all the time)

I love Space Ghost heres links to his offical site pluse the Space goast drinking game,
(lol you get so drunk if you actualy play it)

Funny ass pick up lines
Heres are some of the funnyer pickUp lines ive found, enjoy.

My Conspiracy Theorys
Ok heres a few of my many conspiracy if thought of hehe and feel free to send me eny of your own.

"christ died for somebody's sins, but not mine." -Patti Smith "Oath"

The Official MxPx Homepage

Links to all these great bands pluse lots more others!!!
Tons of Bad Ass Wav's, Mp3's, & Real Audio

(UpDated Very Often)

Kick Ass Links

Anti-social / Good email, pluse Rhubarb t-shirts, and message boards.
Gore Gallery / kick ass pics. of dead people, blood, gutz, u name it, if its sick and wrong its on here.
Disinformation / Great search engine, keeps nothing from you like most search engines out there do.
Aranet / Is a anti racism group that is based all over the county, check it out.
Cheesy Software / Old cheesy games like space invaders ext. made great.
Fat Wreck Chords / If you dont know what Fat Wreck Chords is leave my home page NOW!! hehe
No Masters, No Slaves / A great site, Anarchy, wrightings, poams, lots of great stuff, check it out.
BME: Body Modification Ezine / This is one of my favs., theres pics. of eny peircing u can think of, just eny think u can do to ur body its one here, its bad ass.
Sweetchick_98's home page / This is my good friend April's homepage she kicks some hella ass.
Eleni's home page / Eleni is the kindest sweetest person on the entire world, and i luv her to bits, u mess with her u have me on ur ass =)

For even more kick ass links click here!

Angry, Young, and Poor Magazine
Great magazine you have to check it out!!

hey wana link to my page with a banner, click here and find out how!!

Hey if you ever feel the need send me a message on ICQ

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Alliance Skate
                     Page -- the phattest sk8 page on the net!!

If there are ever eny links that dont work, or eny problums please send me an email so i can fix it ASAP, Thanx.
Email: sk8drpunk@anti-social.com