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Well as promised this page is now up and running. This page will tell you everything on R.J.COMICS. Enjoy.

What is there to say. Well we are usually working together in one way or another. Wether we are just giving some feedback on each others stuff or working as a team on a specific project. Since 1994 Rick and I have always wanted to have our own company so I said hey why don't we. Then the internet came along and I said what a great place to start. So I built a page a way back and we were going to put all our books on the net and see if we could get them published. We are mostly just using the net in basically the same way now. R.J.COMICS is our internet company... so to speak. All of our projects and artwork pertain to our hopeful futures. We are hopeing that we can get some big cahoonas here to look at our stuff as well as go to cons and get some of our stuff published if not as a one time deal then for a long term commitment.. see books for more on this

Currently we have two books that are in the works.. Dangerous Secrets which I'm sure you all viewed in my art section and Gate of Darkness also in my art section. Both books have been designed and penciled by me page to page wise while the writing is left up to their creator Adam Kaiser. Both books we would like to get published and printed. Dangerous Secrets is a 4-6 part mini-series.. most likely 4 by the looks of it and Gate of Darkness.. well we could easily go up to issue #100 with little or no trouble. Plot wise both books are professionaly done.. scripts and such are sent to me.. penciled pages,layouts, and character sketches are sent back to Adam and he goes over them.. while Rick takes a look at the pages and gives his opinion on them and possibly a few ideas. All is in the love of the trade. Rick is hopefully going to get the stuff for the book idea he had together and design some stuff that I can feature here. If not then you will get constant updates on our current books. Until then read on my friend.

We are all hopeful comic producers.. Adam with his writing, Rick and me with our artwork. We would love to go pro and we are constantly drawing to get our skills up to pro level. All our projects we would love to see in print but sometimes life just doesn't give you the cards. So we keep practicing and think up a ton of ideas. I have a few ideas roaming through my head but I want to make sure they are all in order before I reaveal any of my secrets....

Like I said before... R.J.COMICS would love to get at least one of each of our ideas published wether it is for exposure purposes or a contract deal. Either way we are on the move towards our goal to go pro. Show some support and sign the guestbook with some kind words and feel free to send some artwork or stories you might have that you are wanting to go pro with.. maybe we can see what we can do. You never know.. we have connections too you know. Some people are already in the industry... R.J.COMICS... the new wave of comics. Putting the style back in comics.

This company created June 1, 1994 Copyright © and Trademark ® 1994-2000 all rights reserved