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Matt Brown - Keyboards, Vocals

Scott Connor - Drums, Vocals

John Thomas - Guitars

Jeff Robertson - Bass

With special thanks to our other bandmates and friends:

Brian Holt - Keyboards

Jerry Clark - Bass

Jim Wilson - Bass, Vocals

Rest in Peace...

Tom Shannon - Bass, Bass Pedals, Chapman Stick, 12-String Guitar

Shaun Guerin - Vocals, Drums

Above all, thanks to the many fans and friends who shared our love of this music over the years, for support and friendship far beyond anything a mere tribute band could ever deserve.


And that's the way it was...

1993 - Scott Connor and Brian Holt recruit Jeff Robertson & Jerry Clark to play some old Genesis material. Jeff & Jerry, heretofore unfamiliar with Genesis' music, naively agree.

1994 - 1998 - Initially billed as "...And then there was Tony," the quickly-renamed "Supernatural Anaesthetists" play a handful of self-promoted shows at the now-defunct Sunset club in Sierra Madre. A perky Matthew Brown witnesses one of these early attempts. Jeff's hyphen fetish reaches full fruition; treatment is moderately successful.

1998 - 2000 - Beleaguered semi-vocalists Scott and Jeff insist upon a full-time crooner. Shaun Guerin is located via an internet dating service. Tragically, he, too, is a drummer. Always the wiser of the original recruits, Jerry Clark becomes "really busy." He is replaced (in our ears, if not in our hearts) by spunky funkmeister and current Gabble Ratchet bassist Jim "Whitey" Wilson. Life is good. Gigs a-plenty.

2000 - The band is remonikerized after co-founder Brian Holt leaves the band to pursue a career in the binary arts. The much-needed void is filled by the aforementioned Matt Brown, ivory-tickler nonpareil. Alas, much to our collective surprise, Whitey discovers the secret of reproduction and is forced to devote his life to the construction of elaborate sandwiches. But wait!! The tribute-band Gods aren't finished with us yet. Cinema Show is blessed with the able and courteous Tom Shannon, a multiple-threat who at last brings the Sacred Pedals of Bass to the group, along with basses, sticks, and 12-strings. Life is more gooder. Gigs fall from the very skies.

2001 - Tom is forced to temporarily leave the band as he battles cancer. Whitey graciously returns to the fold, filling in for Tom during the summer. By Autumn, Tom's quick recovery allows him to return in time for the band's most ambitious gambit to date, a self-promoted show at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. Never one to take too much of a good thing, Jeff follows Jerry in becoming "really extraordinarily busy." Shaun devotes himself to a solo release and the wonder of fatherhood. Scott circumnavigates the planet on his bicycle as many as seven times. Tom continues working with the various real bands in which he holds membership. The new Death and Taxe$ CD, "Theenigmathatisman," is completed

2002 - Shaun's CD release gig features solo performances from Shaun and Matt, supported by personnel that includes Scott and guitarist John Thomas. A superb player, John is quickly drafted to fill the guitar slot in Cinema Show.

Unexpectedly, Tom suffers a stroke in late October. It is subsequently determined that the cancer has returned. Tom passes away, quietly and without pain or fear, on November 14, 2002.

On December 7, Tom's friends and family gather to celebrate his life. Scott, Shaun, Matt, John, and Jeff are all in attendance.

2003 - Planning for a show honoring Tom begins almost immediately, led by his wife Audrey, D & T partner Vince Martinez, and Bag: Theory bandmate M. Segal. Cinema Show is graciously invited to participate. Having served considerable time as a bassist during his misspent youth, a penitent Jeffer volunteers to return to quasi-active duty. Ever gullible, the boys accept, and the tribute-band-that-wouldn't-leave looks to the future. Tragically, the band's future turns out to be painfully short.

Cinema Show plays what would be their final show in March. On July 14, 2003, Shaun Guerin passes away.