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a.k.a. Lustn4Wolf



Hi my name is Lin and Welcome to my page. I dedicate this page to my son Nikolas and to my soon to be husband Ray. The two of you make my life complete and i love you both very much. You put the smile on my face and the sparkle in my eye. You make every day worth living. Always know that there is nothing more important to me than the both of you.

This is my son Nikolas ... He is the youngest of my 5 children and the sparkle in my eye ...
I call him NIKO
He is the MOST IMPORTANT man in my life
I wrote a poem about him and our long struggle to be together ... i'd like to share it with all of you and i hope you enjoy it
He IS and ALWAYS WILL BE my life

A Mother's Love
by Linda M. Zalinskie

Sweet chubby face ... Glistening blue eyes
Gods glowing innocense ... My baby boy surprise
So unexpected ... Yet wanted so bad
Though fear overtook me ... My heart was so glad
My body unwilling ... The pain i did take
I never regretted ... You weren't a mistake
I loved and nurtured ... Your every need
You were my life ... That was my creed
Six months from your birth ... My life went to hell
Your father did leave us ... Our world he did sell
Ripped from my arms ... You were in a haste
I couldn't say goodbye ... No time did he waste
I was only allowed ... to see you in spurts
A mother's bond lost ... So much it hurts
I cried every night ... I cradled your lamb
Your scent it still holds ... Sealed in like a clam
It's you daddy's hurting ... So much more than me
His heart has gone cold ... His eyes do not see
Forgive him my son ... My love you've not lost
I'll always be here ... No matter the cost



Wolfvoodoo and Lustn4wolf
Forever and a Day


This is my baby, Ray. He is the love of my life.
He has been by my side through all my trials and tribulations.
He has given me his love and support as only a true friend can, and helped me to stand tall and take all the setbacks with dignity.
And now he has pledged his love to me for eternity,
We will be married in real life on July 22nd, 2000.
Baby i love you with all my heart, mind, body and soul.
We are true soulmates and together we can make it through anything.
I Love You Ray.



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